FKM UNAIR Banyuwangi Freshmen Impression about BToPH 2019

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Photo session with FKM PSDKU freshmen after outbound activities. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Basic Training of Public Health or commonly called BToPH is one of the regeneration activities carried out by new students majoring in Public Health at Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. BToPH series of events will be held on 31 August, 7 September, 16 September, 21 September, and 22 September 2019. BToPH activities certainly have a distinct impression for freshmen.

According to Febry, BToPH activities made a striking impression. From the beginning of pre-BToPH to BToPH activities, the material on public health has been provided. Starting from the department to the prospects of their work.

“For the implementation from the beginning of pre-BToPH to BToPH itself is very interesting. From the beginning of pre-BtoPH, we have been given material about the community itself. Starting from the existing department to the prospect work itself. BToPH’s activities carry the concept of following your dream, so we want to know more about community health itself, “he said.  

Afan claimed that BToPH activities were beneficial for freshmen. According to him, in BToPH activities themselves have unusual learning methods. The method is discussion, where each group sits in a circle, and there will be a data collector to each group.

“The implementation of BToPH provides benefits in every activity. One of the benefit is the learning method. Namely, the new students sit in a circle, and then there will be a senior level which fills in material related to their respective expertise. Besides that, some activities, such as SWOT analysis, outbound LKTI presentations are also useful activities for us, “he said.

Afan admitted that BToPH activities run smoothly. Even though it was really tiring, BToPH activities will still be the activities that he will miss the most later. Besides, this activity also teaches them to be more respectful of their time.

“BToPH’s activities gave an extraordinary impression. I will miss this moment. Besides, the second impression is that we appreciate our time more, “he continued.

Both Febry and Afan have similar expectations. Through BToPH activities, they hope to realize and understand the important role of public health and contribute actively in various activities to advance public health in Indonesia. (*)

Author: Nadiyah Rahmasari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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