Surabaya Single Window (SSW) Simplifies Business Permit in Surabaya?

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Republic of Indonesia’s Presidential Regulation Number 97 of 2014 is a form of response from the government to the era of free investment in Indonesia. It provides an opportunity for the community to obtain services easily by providing Integrated One-Stop Service Implementation. Various ways implemented by regional officials to apply the Presidential Regulation is a form of adaptation carried out in fulfilling obligations in accordance with geographical and demographic conditions within the administrative scope of the region. One of them is the Surabaya Government which established Surabaya Single Window permit service, where the service system will facilitate people who want to do make permit and do business in Surabaya.

In this regard, the Surabaya City Government responded to the regulation by issuing Mayor Regulation No. 28/2013 concerning Permit and Non-Permit Service that will support the efficiency of business processes in Surabaya. Besides responding to the Presidential Regulation which supports an efficient permit service system, the Surabaya city government also considers the role of globalization due to the digital era that can be utilized to improve the quality of services to the public. The realization of Surabaya Single Window (SSW)is a pioneer of service systems in effective, efficient and transparent permit arrangements in Indonesia so it can be adopted as a system that is able to facilitate the community in opening business in Surabaya that requires a Trading Business Permit (SIUP), a permit that must be owned every business owner who wants to run a business legally.

Based on Law Number 30 Year 2014 concerning Government, a permit is a decision issued by a certain Government Authority based on existing regulations in the form of legality, to conduct trade/business activities. This is in line with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2008 concerning Organizational Guidelines and Work Procedures for Integrated Permit Service Units. The urgency of the permit itself includes its role as proof of legality of the business owned, instrument of legal assurance, instrument of rights and interest’s protection, as well as claims for permit disputes that may occur.

Related to the implementation of the Surabaya Single Window (SSW), the business sector in Surabaya develop rapidly with excellent economic and business growth. As of 2012, there were 3,993 electricity users for industrial needs and 74,863 for business activities.

In the following year there was an increase in both electricity users for industrial need with 4,048 users, while for business need was 88,662 users. A year after, users for industry reached 4,082, while business users have increased to 109,295 users. The increase is a sign that both domestic and foreign investors, feel comfortable, and are interested in investing in Surabaya. Signs of the increase were obtained based on Surabaya Government data recorded since 2011.

Based on data, the Surabaya government in 2011 received foreign investment worth Rp 22,500,600,000 and increased Rp 298,717,956,292 in the following year. This is in line with an increasing investment in foreign currencies which in 2013 reached $ 12,735,769 and in subsequent years reached $ 45,294,933.

Domestic investors in 2013 invested Rp 490,271,432,498 and in the following year became IDR 639,625,900,000. Not only increasing that year, in the following year precisely in 2015 it reached Rp 828,416,500,000. The increase was also marked by an increase in the issuance of Trading Business Permit (SIUP) in Surabaya. Based on data collected, in 2014, total SIUP issued reached 12,672 and experienced an increase in 2015, with 13,333.

Surabaya Single Window (SSW) is a solution that can improve investment value and improve the business sector in Surabaya. Although in its implementation, the automation system which is the main page of Surabaya Single Window (SSW) often experience technical errors. However, it can be dealt with and it still works. The other obstacles in its implementation, non-technical matters relating to dissemination to prospective or business owners also need to be considered to improve the efficiency of Surabaya Single Window (SSW) which is latest potential for the permit system service in Indonesia. (*)

Author: Lanny Ramli

Details of the research available at:

Title: Single Window Policy for Trade Permit in Surabaya

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