ITD UNAIR Publish Two International Journals

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Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD., KPTI-FINASIM in his office. (Photo: Galuh Mega Kurnia)

UNAIR NEWS – Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has published its research results in an International Journal, Scientific Reports (Impact Factor 4,525 ), a Nature Group Journal and Aids Research and Human Retroviruses.

The first research is related to the molecular epidemiology study of HIV in Indonesia, while the other research is about the detection of antiretroviral drug resistance given to people with HIV AIDS.

Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, Sp.PD., KPTI-FINASIM as a member of the team explained that research related to the epidemiology of HIV subtype in Indonesia is essential to be conducted because the transmission or spread of the HIV in Indonesia is the fastest in Asia. Indonesia is a vast country, with a large population with 17,300 islands spread from the northern tip of Sumatra to the west, Papua.

“Indonesia is a big country and consists of many islands. Thus, there are many entry points to Indonesia, as well as exits. So outsiders can enter Indonesia and transmit the HIV or Indonesians go abroad and transmit the HIV, “explained the Director of UNAIR Hospital (RSUA), Prof. Nasron.

Meanwhile, research related to antiretroviral drug resistance is important to do to know antiretroviral drug resistance in the patient’s body before clinical symptoms appear. The results of the study indicate that gene mutations from the consumption of ARV drugs in Indonesia have not occurred much.

It means resistance in Indonesia is still low, less than 5 percent. So that ARV treatment in people with HIV AIDS is still very effective.

“So it is concluded that mutations are still very few and ARV treatment in Indonesia is still very effective. It still has the potential to elevate the quality of life of patients with both HIV and AIDS patients, “said Prof. Nasron.

According to Prof. Nasron, HIV AIDS is a serious problem for governments, families, and individuals. Research related to the disease must be continued because it has proven beneficial, to UNAIR for the development of knowledge, to researchers for exploring ideas, to the government for making policies.

The results of the research are expected to be used to make medicines for people with HIV AIDS. So, Indonesia will not need to import again as it can make the raw materials in the country.

Indonesia has at least more than thirty thousand plants, including medicinal plants. So, it would be unfortunate if the natural resource wealth could not be formulated in the form of drugs either directly or indirectly.

“Using the ABGC concept, academic products in the form of research results, communicated with businessmen to be produced in large quantities. Then the government makes the regulations so the community can enjoy it, “concluded Prof. Nasron. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh

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