UNAIR NEWS- Mangroves, plants commonly found along the coast, have a myriad of benefits, especially for the survival of coastal ecosystems besides being one of the natural barriers that protect the coast from natural disasters such as tsunamis. Mangrove roots are also living place for several species of fish.
Despite having a myriad of benefits for the environment, the existence of mangroves is threatened lately. Many factors are threatening the existence of mangroves from pollution, construction of bridges between islands, to changes in soil conditions.
Considering how vital mangroves are for the sustainability of coastal ecosystems, Prof. Hery Purnobasuki., M.Si., Ph.D. conducted various studies related to this plant. One of his articles was Seed Germination Of Avicenna marina (Forsk.) Vierh. By Pericarp Removal Treatment, the focus was to examine the process of Mangrove germination and what factors affecting it.
“Mangrove is a term for plants that can live in two realms, water and soil. Mangroves have an important role as natural coastal barriers, so we need to think about how to cultivate them, “said Hery.
To improve efficiency, survival and germination strength were compared based on the time of collection and Mangrove germination method through the removal of the pericarp. The mangrove species studied were Avicenna marina ( Forsk) Vierh species. It is often found around Suramadu Bridge, Surabaya. The seed collection process was carried out in October-December 2011.
“There are several species of Mangrove plants. The growth process also varies. Some can germinate in a tree and then loose into the mud and grow. Some also produce fruit and seeds, including the species that I studied, “said Hery.
The seeds collected were given two different treatments, pericarp was removed by hand and soaked in seawater with specific salinity until the part of the pericarp is peeled off by itself. Then, from the two treatments the germination process will be observed. Their growth was compared from the time of seed collection and the treatments.
Hery hoped that this research could support government programs related to the development of Mangrove Botanical Garden. According to Hery, the plan could have a good impact in terms of education, research, recreation, and even ecosystems. He also hoped that the results of the research could contribute to seed supply.
“In Surabaya, there is a mangrove zone, but lately it has been much reduced because of the development, and other reasons,” said Hery.
“If it can be sustained, it will give an excellent ecological impact, and then this study would contribute to mangroves cultivation, especially in Surabaya,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia
Scientific article link:
Hery Purnobasuki, Edy Setiti Wida Utami. 2016. Seed Germination Of Avicenna marina(Forsk.) Vierh. By Pericarp Removal Treatment. Journal of Biotropia, Vol 23, No 2.