Inhibiting the Activity of Cancer Cell Proliferation with Serum Tadpoles

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – One of the major diseases that cause death in the world is cancer. Cancer cells are normal cells that have become malignant due to genetic disorders, causing cell division out of control.

Gene mutations in cancer cells can increase cell proliferation and resistance to apoptotic mechanisms (death programmed cell). However, in the body of an animal has a molecular system that can be used to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Knowing this fact, Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama, drh., M.Sc. with Imas Hapsari Rahmaningtyas, Arlian Reza Pratama, Zeni Prastika, Anjani Marisa Kartikasari, and Nur Probowo Dwi Cahyo carried out the research about inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

“Serum tadpole was chosen because it has the hormone thyroxine. This thyroxine hormone can increase gene expression related to proliferation, cell differentiation, and body development, “said the lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH).

Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama, drh., M.Si. (Photo: Personal Documentation)

The title of the research “Tadpole Seriana (Rana catesbeiana) Activity in Caspase-3 as a Sign of the Role of Apoptosis and Total Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in Neoplasia-Induced Albino Mouse Epithelial Cells” was carried out at Laboratory of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The experimental animals used in this study were 20 male rats from Sprague Dawley strain.

The mice used in induction using cancer reagents are DMBA (Sigma-Aldrich® with CAS number 57-97-6). Induction is carried out twice a week for five weeks at a dose of 20 mg/rat.

Based on research, the results obtained are 100% concentration of serum tadpoles can reduce the activity of cancer cell proliferation due to the thyroxine hormone it contains. It was proven after immunohistochemical testing, the results of which showed a brown colour and coloured by Caspase 3  that indicated apoptosis.

“Me and my team hope that our research can be useful for the public. Thus, tadpole serum can be an alternative treatment for cancer. Moreover, the cost is cheaper compared to cancer treatment through surgery and nanotechnology,” he concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

Link related to the article:’_epithelial_cells_induced_by_Neoplasia

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