Induction of Spermiation Using Ovaprim™ in Silver Rasbora Fish

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Illustration by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Silver Rasbora or commonly known as wader is one type of freshwater fish that is currently cultivated. Unfortunately, there are significant obstacles to spermiation process.

The main obstacle of silver rasbora aquaculture is the spermiation process which depends on the breeding season. Regarding these obstacles, Darmawan Setia Budi, S.Pi., M.Si conducted research on determining the optimal dose of Ovaprim™ induction with gill topical methods on sperm silver rasbora fish, so the spermiation process will no longer depend on the breeding season.

“Silver Rasbora genes distributed naturally in Indonesia. Several studies have been conducted to overcome obstacles to their cultivation. Thus, the research focused on the effect of different Ovaprim™ doses on silver rasbora sperm to stimulate a breeding process of fish any time, “explained the lecturer who is familiarly called Darmawan.

Illustration of Scientific Articles by Feri Fenoria

In completing the research, Darmawan works with colleagues and students. Among them are Türker Bodur, Ph.D., Dr. Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi., M.P., and Lutfiyah Al Adawiyah, S.Pi.

Darmawan explained 30 male silver rasbora fish broodstock were used in this research. The criteria of selected male brooders are fish could release thick white liquid (sperm) from the discharge hole (anus).

Selected male broodstock are anesthetized, so the fish will not actively move when induced with Ovaprim ™. The doses included 0.15 ml / g; 0.25 ml / g; 0.35 ml g; 0.45 ml / g; and 0.55 ml / g of silver rasbora body weight. Ovaprim ™ induction is carried out through the fish mouth.

“The observation parameters include fish sperm volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm viability. So that later on, the fisher can easily understand the dose of ovaprim™ that will be given according to the weight of broodstock, “he said.

Ovaprim ™ can increase in fish sperm volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and optimal sperm viability for spawning waders, which is 0.25 ml / g.

Further research will be conducted by Darmawan and his team using different parameters and reproductive hormones. Thus, the research will be useful for the community in Indonesia.

Reference: Al Adawiyah, et al., 2018. Induction of spermiation using Ovaprim™ with topical gill method in the silver rasbora (Rasbora argyrotaenia). Journal Theriogenology, 126(2019), pp 172-176.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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