UNAIR NEWS – There was an emotional moment in Universitas Airlangga graduation day on Sunday, September 8, 2019. UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh Nasih invited all graduates to express their joy. At that time, one of 1,403 graduates, Yurike Dhika Adhela, headed to the podium and expressed her feelings in front of thousands of graduates and the invited guests.
“I’m a Bidikmisi alumni student. For being admitted here (UNAIR, ed) I really had to struggle. My father is only a driver and my mother is only doing labor,” Yurike said in front of all those attending.
Yurike is a graduate of Nutritional Science Faculty of Public Health. On that occasion, she thanked the rector and all those who had helped in her study at UNAIR. She does not yet believe that she can graduate from UNAIR thanks to Bidikmisi’s tuition aid.
“Economic limitation does not restrict a person from going to college. In fact, a simple child with only a dream and great determination, can finish studies well, graduate on time and make her parents proud, “said Yurike.

Yurike is a graduate of Blitar 1 Public High School (SMAN). She graduated from school and got a Bidikmisi scholarship at UNAIR in 2015. The first child of two siblings was grateful, finally being able to finish her studies with extraordinary struggle. One of them was her struggling to control the economy with having a job in between lectures.
“I work freelance as data collector, helping lecturers’ research on health,” said the woman born on July 13, 1997. “Not bad, I could sustain my economy while I was a student,” she added.
Finally, Yurike expressed her utmost thanks to her parents for working hard and made her a graduate of UNAIR. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh