Providing Insights to Hospital Technicians on Hemodialysis Techniques

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Symposium of Clinical Engineering in Hemodialysis themed "Building a Management System of All Dialysis Equipment in Indonesia," Thursday, September 4-5, 2019 at Dharmawangsa Hall 8th Floor RSUA. (Photo: Asthesia Dhea)

UNAIR NEWS – The term hemodialysis is quite popular in the field of health, especially for kidney experts. Hemodialysis is associated with equipment which is vulnerable to contamination, especially from the blood system that can be harmful to patients. Even in Vietnam, there have been casualties due to contamination of equipment from hemodialysis process.

Therefore, Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) held a Clinical Engineering Symposium in Hemodialysis themed “Building a Management System of All Dialysis Equipment in Indonesia.” The seminar was held on Thursday, September 4-5, 2019 at Dharmawangsa Hall 8th Floor RSUA.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin, dr., Sp.P (K) as Deputy Director of Education and Research said that the seminar was part of the collaboration between RSUA and St. Mary’s Hospital from Japan. The seminar was a form of development and effort to improve hospital services in the field of clinical engineering.

The theme was chosen because the hospital is currently focusing on its hemodialysis unit development. Furthermore, it was held to improve the knowledge and experience of technicians because they consider maintaining the equipment is very important.

“We want to improve the knowledge and experience of the technicians. Why? Because they consider maintaining the equipment is very important and because this is very dangerous for patient safety. Maybe in Indonesia not many people realize the importance of it (treating hemodialysis equipment, ed), “he explained.

Prof. Amin also said that hemodialysis patients need extra services, especially if there is risk to heavy metal contamination. UNAIR, in particular, is very concerned about patient safety through hemodialysis equipment. Therefore, technicians are always given training to update knowledge.

With the seminar held, prof. Amin hopes that RSUA will become an excellent center for hemodialysis, and can become a training center for technicians, not only the nephrologists. So the technicians can provide excellent service to patients with good hemodialysis equipments.

“Yes, we are an excellent center for hemodialysis, we hope is to become a training center for technicians, not only nephrologist. So they can provide excellent service to patients with hemodialysis equipment which are already working properly, “he said.

As additional information, the seminar was filled by several presenters from St. Mary’s Hospital and RSUA. Prof. Moh. Yogiantoro, dr., Sr. PD. KGH., Nephrologist consultant from RSUA, Mr. Yuji Nishikubo from Clinical Engineering St. Mary’s Hospital Japan, Dr. Daisaku Urabe, Director of International Cooperation Dept. Mary’s Hospital, Mr. Masakazu Nakashima, Director of Clinical Engineering Dept, St. Mary’s Hospital, and Mr. Noboyuki Ono, clinical engineer of hemodialysis center, St. Mary’s Hospital. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea C.

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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