UNAIR NEWS – Welcoming the regional head election in 2020, Universitas Airlangga held an expert discussion on ‘Challenges and Demands of Regional Head Candidates in Disruption Era’. The event discussing the ideal regional leader was held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 in Amerta Hall, C Campus Management Office, UNAIR.
In the expert discussion, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA gave a keynote speech. There were also academics, politicians, activists, cultural figures, and media to share their views.
The speakers included Purnawan Basundoro (Historian); Suparto Wijoyo (Postgraduate School Lecturer); Dwi Windyastuti Budi Hendararti (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Lecturer); Santi Martini (FKM Lecturer); Choirul Anam (Head of KPU East Java); Abdul Rokhim (Chief Editor of Jawa Pos); Ainur Rohim (Chair of PWI East Java); and Nurul Hartini (Dean of Faculty of Psychology).
“This activity is Universitas Airlangga’s contribution to all of them in East Java, Surabaya and other regions, “said Prof. Nasih. “We only want to encourage the best individuals in East Java to become leaders in all regions, especially East Java,” he added.
For information, there are 270 regions consist of 9 provinces, 224 regencies, and 37 cities will hold regional elections (Pilkada) simultaneously in 2020. Therefore, extraordinary candidates are needed. Because in the era of disruption, leaders become captains in command of a ship with complex problems.
“We know that the challenge to become a future leader is really hard. Becoming a regent anywhere seems without joy. Likewise, their freedom, must be given. Becoming a regional leader now is full of difficulties and misery, “said Prof. Nasih.

All these problems, continued Prof. Nasih, can be solved by having a leader who has a ‘Great Leadership’ indicator. They should be humble, able to adapt, visionary, and willing and able to involve all parties.
In the visionary category, for example, leaders must have a foresight that is directed and managed well with all the mandate given to create a just society people hope for.
“I also want Pancasila as an indicator of the developmental success. It is very complete and clear to be a reference, “added Prof. Nasih who is also Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business.
Furthermore, in the era of disruption, the General Election Commission (KPU) had prepared and quickly followed developments. Choirul Anam, the Head of KPU East Java in his presentation stated that KPU had also prepared e-voting in the form of Situng (counting system, ed) and Silon (candidate system, ed) which could be easily accessed by the public online. (*)
Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh