Facebook as Platform for Media Development of Library Service

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Facebook is a social network that is very popular and has penetrated into all aspects of the life of Indonesia people and the world.  

The library strives to provide maximum services to its users. For college libraries such as Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), which are also user-oriented, the presence of Facebook has a big impact. Facebook can facilitate interaction between librarians around the country, even the world.

Facebook can effectively provide information easily and quickly to library members. The existence of Facebook is considered to increase the role of libraries as information and knowledge center in disseminating information quickly, precisely, and accurately. Since the first three years of its creation, several users have joined Facebook library in UNAIR. Most users use UNAIR library facebook to fulfil their information needs related to UNAIR library activities.

There are various motives of users in utilizing UNAIR library facebook account. Mostly, people searching for information about the library, socialize, finding trending topic, informing the latest news, exchanging information, and finding information related to their hobbies.

Facebook allows UNAIR libraries to provide information to library users. Such as the agenda of library activities, the latest news to about work. In addition, Facebook can also be a place to exchange information.

Furthermore, it is also rated as more updated media than other media. Users can interact directly with UNAIR library because it is equipped with various features such as chatting, photo tags, blogs, games, and status updates.

The majority of users visit the library UNAIR homepage one to two times a week for less than 15 minutes, so they spend less than 10 hours per month to access information on Facebook.

Facebook users claim to get more information about the library, find new friends, and some say it can broaden public horizons and exchange information.

Based on the findings of this study, UNAIR library is able to provide the information sought by users by taking into account the characteristics of quality information, which is relevant and up to date.

The information displayed on the library homepage was received a positive response. Various attributes on the homepage of UNAIR Library start from the colour, the composition Facebook interface, the information, and the information content itself create a sense of comfort for UNAIR library users. Thus, facebook can help UNAIR library members to access information easily.

By utilizing Facebook social media, UNAIR library is trying to establish a relationship with users. Furthermore, they have to update information every day. Thus, the library’s relationship with the user will still be established.

The results of this study indicate that Facebook as social media can be a medium for libraries to provide maximum services and fewer characteristics of the behavior of its users. Therefore, Facebook can be a recommendation for other libraries to develop services that are user-oriented. (*)

Author: Dessy Harisanty, S. Sos., M.A.

Reference : Harisanty, D. (2019), “Level of user satisfaction on the Facebook library”, Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 7-8. 

Link : https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/LHTN-10-2018-0066/full/html

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