Technological advancement is an opportunity that should be utilized to carry out public services. In 2020-2030, Indonesia will have around 180 million people of productive age, around 60 million people of unproductive age, or 10 productive people will bear 3-4 people of unproductive age.
In February 2019 the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) said that Indonesia has a large young population of 90 million millennials (aged 20-34 years), a total fertility rate (birth rate) of 2.28 (per 1,000 people per year), infant mortality rates at 24 (per 1,000 births), the expected school year is 12.72 years.
The millennial generation is a generation born in the period 1980 to 2000. Seeing the situation and the development of the current era, this generation has become a role model in the success of information technology utilization in the digital era through a shift from manual to online, which is also called the era of disruption. Hard skill and soft skill collaboration from independence, competence, and millennial generation innovation can develop in terms of generation of human resources.
Millennials with the ability to internalize the values of independence, competence and innovation will easily grasp the opportunities in the era of global competition. Millennial generation is seen as sustaining and transforming practitioner from the manual process to online in every day-to-day activity. Seeing the national phenomenon about millennial generation, special research was conducted for millennial generation who work in the government bureaucracy. One of them is about the role of millennial generation in electronic-based public services implemented simultaneously in the City and Regency Government of Indonesia through SKPD or in Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Agency(DPMPTSP).
On August 2, 2018, the permit service at DPMPTSP used the OSS (Online Single Submission) system in accordance with PP number 24 of 2018 concerning Electronic Integrated Business Permit Services (Online Single Submission), there was a transfer of authorization, amendment and dissolution of the Cooperative from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to the ministries that carry out government affairs in the field of law. With this regulation, there is a change in service at DPMPSTP where all millennials are the OSS implementation team.
The study was conducted to uncover and describe the characteristics and meanings of millennial generation with independence, competence, and innovation in improving electronic-based services at Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Agency Sidoarjo. Therefore, the researchers used qualitative methods by emphasizing the phenomenological perspective. This is done to uncover the implementation of electronic-based public service programs including types of e-government, events, the process of implementing public service innovations, their impacts, and various things related to them by millennials who have competence, independence and innovation. The subjects of the study were millennial generation employees at the Investment and One Stop Integrated Services Agency of Sidoarjo aged less than 37 years old.
They are millennial generations who can and are able to develop human resources through increasing their competence, independence and innovation by paying attention to values. (*)
Author: Moch. Ali Mashuri
Detailed information from this research can be seen in the article at: