Serving Community with Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital in Nusa Tenggara

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Rufiatid Darojatul Firadusiyah, one of the members of Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital volunteer team carry out her duties as an assistant pharmacist. (Photo: Personal Documentation)

UNAIR NEWS – Volunteering and serving the community became an unforgettable experience for students of Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga, Rufiatid Darojatul Firadusiyah. From her struggle in the name of devotion and humanity, there are some interesting stories to tell.

The girl known as Dosy became one of the lucky students because she could also experience the beauty of service. The 2016 student never thought of being part of the Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital volunteer team for the period of July 14-August 10, 2019.

With an intention to spend her term’s break with something new, she registered as volunteer. She felt fortunate to be able to take part in the humanitarian mission of Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital in Nusa Tenggara.

“There are three things as our main focus, medical services, health education and waste management. It is very interesting to be part of the ship team and visit remote islands, “said Dosy.

In carrying out its mission, the team of volunteers visited schools on various islands to provide health education. They also provide training on waste management for the community so that existing waste can be processed into fuel. The volunteer team also had time to make biopori for residents there.

Dosy was placed as a pharmacist’s assistant. She focused on supporting health services, especially in terms of medicine.

“Usually we dock on land and then establish a clinic on the island. I helped the team to give medicine to patients and give them counsel as well, ” she said.

During her community service, Dosy felt that all of her experiences were unforgettable. Serving the community and getting a great welcome from local residents was Dosy’s first experience. She also learned to interact with many different people, both the community and fellow health workers.

Spending a lot of time on the ship, Dosy had no difficulties adapting. Even though she experienced seasickness, especially when the waves were high, Dosy continued to enjoy her days on the ship. “There are also many friends there, so we can still do our activities well,” she said.

The experience left a deep impression on her. In addition to getting a very different new experience, she also felt refreshed.

“Besides being on duty, we also get a bonus of being able to visit various islands and enjoy the natural beauty there. The holiday feels really refreshing, “said Dosy.

She gave tips for other student friends to become volunteers. If students want to take part in the community service, prospective volunteers must dare to make sacrifices and try to ask permission from parents. In essence, to be a volunteer, it takes a strong will and courage. (*)

Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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