Pumpkin Seeds and Vitamin E Improve Quality of Ayam Kampung Sperm

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Illustration by official website of agriculture and food agency, Bandung

Ayam Kampung has a significant role for community life especially in rural areas as a source of meat, eggs, and as additional income. The relatively low productivity of ayam kampung is an obstacle for most breeders in Indonesia, especially household-scale farms. Household scale farms still apply the traditional maintenance model and are not environmentally sound, so the financial benefits and environmental health for the community and chicken tend to be low.

Optimal ayam kampung productivity can be obtained in the thermoneutral zone conditions, where the ambient temperature can provide comfort to ayam kampung. Indonesia is a tropical country with relatively high temperatures in the dry season. Heat stress is the stress caused by the temperature of the enclosure that is above the comfort zone. Ayam kampung at high environmental temperatures (25-32 ° C) will show a decrease in productivity. Increasing quality and quantity of sperm is an indicator of improving the reproductive status and is a solution to solve problems in the development of national farms.

One of the natural resources that are not used optimally with great efficacy for the reproductive health of ayam kampung rooster is pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain mineral elements zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), which are very important for reproductive health organs, including the prostate gland. In 100 g pumpkin seeds contain 6.5 grams of Zn (the highest among other protein sources). The Zn mineral is involved in the activity of the ribonuclease enzyme in spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis. Zn minerals are also known as immunomodulators.

The function of the Zn mineral contained in pumpkin seeds is to develop rooster reproductive function and sperm formation. Giving Zn can reduce the production of nitric oxide (NO) and increase the activity of glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) enzyme, so there is an improved fattening process. Zn minerals are involved in the process of spermatogenesis. Zn mineral deficiency can cause disruption and delay the growth of sexual maturity. Active Zn mineral ingredients play a role in nerve function, male reproductive function development, and spermatogenesis, especially the change of testosterone into active dehydrotestosterone. Free radicals form peroxides which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) can reduce the absorption, and use of vitamin E. Tocopherol in vitamin E can be oxidized to tocopheryl radical form) after carrying out its function as an antioxidant. The form of tocopheryl can be reduced back to tocopherol by the synergistic action of other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and glutathione. The combination of pumpkin seeds and vitamin E is one alternative that can improve the quality of Ayam kampung’s spermatozoa.

Author: Siti Eliana Rochmi

Details of this research available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335136100_Quality_Improvement_of_Spermatozoa_of_Rooster_Exposed_to_Heat_Stress_Treated_with_Pumpkin_Seeds_Cucurbita_moschata_and_Vitamin_E_

Siti Eliana Rochmi, Herinda Pertiwi, Diyantoro Diyantoro. 2019. Quality Improvement of Spermatozoa of Rooster Exposed to Heat Stress Treated with Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita moschata) and Vitamin E. The Indian veterinary journal 96(07):19-21

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