UNAIR NEWS – Adolescence is a stage of transition from children to adults. In the transition phase, adolescents are often faced with various kinds of problems mentally, socially, and culturally. Many of them are difficult to solve their problems alone and prone to unhealthy behavior.
To provide a solution to this issue, the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences (PKIP) of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlangga took the initiative to design community service targeting youth. The main focus of this activity is health promotion through peer education.
“Based on our research since 2011, it is known that most health education has been presented through lectures or counseling. In fact, teenagers consider that the method is less effective and not matched with the characteristics of adolescents, “said a member of community service team, Muthmainnah, S.KM., M.Kes.
There are at least three risks often faced by adolescents (TRIAD KRR), related to sexuality (unplanned pregnancy, abortion, and infection with infectious diseases); abuse of narcotics, psychotropics, and other addictive substances (NAPZA); and Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS).
Those are challenges for parents as well as related social institutions to approach adolescents. On the other hand, for some reason, some adolescents actually choose to shut themselves down when they have a problem. Therefore, communicative efforts are needed to build positive interactions with adolescents.
As a follow up from the results of the study, Muthmainnah with four colleagues, Ira Nurmala, S.KM., M.PH., Ph.D., as the Head; Dr. Rachmat Hargono, dr., M.S., M.PH .; Pulung Siswantara, S.KM., M.Kes .; and Riris Diana Rachmayanti, S.KM., M.Kes., established a health promotion forum called Komunitas Rumah Remaja (Youth House Community).
“Previously, activities at Rumah Remaja carried out intensively if there were certain events or competitions. In 2018, we initiated Rumah Remaja to design and hold a ‘Peer Educator Training for High School Students in Surabaya ‘ held again this year on the 3rd, 10th and 24th of August, “explained Muthmainnah.
A total of 60 teenagers from 10 high schools including SMA 5, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, SMKN 5, 10, SMA Barunawati, and SMA Hidayatul Ummah, had the opportunity to attend the training. They were also given facilities in the form of merchandise, modules and applications so the education process can be done well in an enjoyable manner.
“We welcomed participants from the first year students so there will be sustainability and regeneration in the following year. During the activity, we also facilitated participants with modules and applications containing material on adolescent reproductive health, drug use, HIV / AIDS, to life skills. Then, we will insert some games to make it more fun, ” she said.
Muthmainnah added, the community service team and members of Rumah Remaja make a branding campaign called Health Educator for Youth (HEY). Later, these high school students will act as volunteers who work directly to provide insights from Peer Educator training to peers around them.
“So, HEY is different from other Peer Educator programs because it uses edutainment media and involves the teacher’s role for supervision, monitoring and evaluation. Through HEY, we hoped that they can be pro-active with the surrounding environment. Furthermore, in the future Whatsapp group will be formed to facilitate monitoring, “added Muthmainnah.
Two participants from SMAN 14 Surabaya, Triana Kusumaningsih and Bimo Eko Satrio claimed to be interested in participating in this training. Both of them wanted to be counselors and share knowledge about reproduction, drugs, HIV / AIDS, and other knowledge they gained during training with their friends. (*)
Author: Nabila Amelia
Editor : Feri Fenoria Rifa’i