Lymphangioma is a form of benign malformations in the lymph node system. It occurs since fetal development or acquired when a person is an adult because of the influence of a disease suffered previously.
Vulva lymphangioma is a rare disease of lymph node malformation characterized by vesicles that appear microscopically or macroscopically. This disease can reduce the quality of life of a person because it often causes discomfort and even pain that persists in the area and accompanied by infection.
Very high recurrence rates and risk of scarring make lymphangioma treatment often difficult to perform. Some sources mention several therapeutic options for lymphangioma, including wide excision, laser, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, radiotherapy, electrical surgery, and imiquimod.
In this article, we reported a young unmarried woman aged 20 years came to the clinic with complaints of some nodules filled with clear fluid to yellowish in her genital for three months. It felt uncomfortable with a little pain. There were also swollen lymph nodes. The patient previously suffered from glandular tuberculosis when she was 13 years old. It had already been treated and cured. The patient denied having a history of sexual relations and changing sexual partners. The patient was treated using frozen surgery, and it showed good results.
A history of glandular tuberculosis experienced by the patient can be related to the incidence of vulvar lymphangioma suffered by the patient because a source says that lymphangioma can usually occur in areas with obstruction or destruction of lymph nodes.
Several therapeutic options for lymphangioma include wide excision, laser, sclerotherapy, frozen surgery, radiotherapy, electrosurgery, and imiquimod. In this case, we chose to use frozen surgery because frozen surgery uses a very low temperature that can cause rapid contraction of blood vessels.
In this case, we did five frozen surgical sessions, and they showed good results, fluid-filled nodules almost completely disappeared. Complications can occur in vulva lymphangioma, including cellulitis and psychosexual dysfunction.
Vulva lymphangioma is a condition of benign malformations of lymph nodes in the genital area with high recurrence rates and many therapeutic options that can be used. The follow-up treatment in patients must be done to monitor possible complications and recurrence.
Author: dr. Marissa Astari
Details of the research available at:
Dermatology reports 2019; volume 11(s1):8093
A rare case report: Acquired vulva lymphangioma in a young female post tubercular lymphadenitis
Marissa Astari, Afif Nurul Hidayati
Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga / Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia