Get to Know the Appropriate Technology and Users for UNAIR Cyber ​​Campus Performance

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The development of information technology has helped to improve the effectiveness of managers and users in various lines and fields. One of them is in the academic field. Universitas Airlangga Cybercampus as an Academic Information System that is used in an integrated manner by Universitas Airlangga community since 2011 always maintain and improve its performance as an academic information channel, academic data management center, and academic data integration center.

Information System performance improvement can be viewed from two sides. Namely, the managerial and system side. From the managerial side, several things need to be done. Among others, improving the quality of human resources, by increasing the coordination of a coordinated and systematic work system unit; make it easier for management to plan, supervise, direct, and delegate work to all departments that have a relationship or coordination; and increase productivity and cost savings in organizations.

While from the system side, it can be done by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of data accurately and realtime. Evaluation of the performance of a system in addition to aiming to see whether there is a gap between user expectations and perceived service quality can also be used as feedback for related system management.

According to Drs. Eto Wuryanto DEA as a researcher from Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, to measure the performance of a system requires several parameters. Among other things, the suitability of technology, user utilization, and social norms.

The reason that motivates him to conduct research related to the performance of Cybercampus. According to him, the output of this research will produce new knowledge about what parameters affect the performance of the Cyber ​​Campus and will produce recommendations or suggestions for improving the quality of Cybercampus. In this research, he uses the Technology-to-Performance Chain model. The research was contained in a journal entitled Application of the Technology-to-Performance Chain Model to Cyber ​​Campus.

This research involved 100 students as participants through a questionnaire distributed at the Faculty of Science and Technology UNAIR. With the assistance of Faried Effendy S.Si M. Kom as Co-researcher and Livia FM as a student, the research guidance was carried out within six months.

Testing Technology-to-Performance Chain model in Cybercampus, eight hypotheses were prepared, which based on the results of a questionnaire containing 50 items. Based on research results, it is known that the suitability of technology and users are two factors that support the performance of Cybercampus.

The result shows that Cybercampus is easy to learn and use, user-friendly, and compatible with student activities. Besides, the relatively high intensity of using Cybercampus makes students satisfied and considers Cybercampus to be a useful and indispensable application. However, Technology-to-Performance Chain model with Cybercampus object of Universitas Airlangga not fully compatible.

The recommendation of this research is to empower existing features at  Universitas Airlangga by regularly updating the academic calendar and information features. For example, information on student activities, scholarships, or news between faculties and other universities. The response of Information System Directorate (DSI) Helpdesk which was also not optimal, also highlighted in this research. (*)

Author: Faried Effendy


F.Effendy, E.Wuryanto, and L.F.Marentina, “Penerapan Model Technology-to-Performance Chain pada Cyber Campus,” J. Edukasi dan Penelit. Inform., vol. 5, no. 2, p. 176, Aug. 2019.

The following link is the complete results of this research

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