Making Achievement from Processing Dormitory Kitchen Waste

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FROM THE LEFT: Devi FPK UNAIR, Hisham Statistics ITS, and Novi Environmental Engineering ITS while receiving awards at 2019 Sociopreneur Camp at UGM, Yogyakarta. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Devi Kristinawati, a student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), won first place in making proposals for creative ideas and favorite ideas at 2019 Sociopreneur Camp (SPC 2019). SPC 2019 is one of the mandatory events organized by Dompet Dhuafa and Etos Scholarship.

SPC 2019 was held on 2-9 August 2019 at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. SPC 2019 participants are second-year students who receive Ethos Scholarships throughout Indonesia.

Devi said that SPC 2019 students formed a team of three people. Devi said that he was in a team with Hasyim, ITS Statistics student and Novi from ITS Environmental Engineering. At the national event, Devi and her team wrote a creative idea proposal that could later be applied to deal with the problems that occurred in the dormitory.

“Our creative idea is titled ‘Making Compost with Takatura Method and 3R (ReduceReuse and Recycle) as Waste Reduction Solution in Dormitory,” said Devi on her team’s creative idea which won 1st place.

“Because in the dormitory, especially women, they usually cook. So there is an accumulation of vegetable waste. That’s where we use the waste to be used as compost through an immature method, “Devi explained about his team’s creative ideas.

For the reusable items, added Devi, they can be separated, sorted and sold so that it gets economic value.

“For the takatura method, the output is getting the desired fertilizer and can be used to grow plants in the dormitory. While the output from 3R can be reused or can be sold to get additional economic value, ” she said.

Devi said that her creative ideas became the favorite. She also said that the assessment was based on votes from all participants who took part in the SPC 2019 activities. Creative ideas in the form of posters were collected on August 2, and voting was done until August 5.

“One participant, one vote. Each participant chooses whose ideas can be applied in the dormitory, easy to do, and realistic, ” said Devi explaining the criteria determining the quality of the contestants’ creative ideas.

What separates Devi and her team’s proposal from other teams was the focus of the theme. Devi said that her team was focused more on waste, especially dormitory waste. Moreover, the method she used is also rare, takatura system.

“For the continuation of the ideas that we made in the submitted proposal, we will continue to produce waste into fertilizer from takatura method and continue to implement 3R,” Devi said.

The results of takatura method, Devi added, on a large scale will be sold publicly to whoever needs it.

“We should not underestimate small or trivial matter, for example, garbage. We are used to throwing out the trash. If we have an idea and able to see opportunities to be accepted in society, that idea can be an opportunity and our great contribution, “Devi encouraged other students. (*)

Author: Dhea Meidiana

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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