UNAIR and Jawa Pos Discuss Surabaya Mayor 2020

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Pakar politik UNAIR Aribowo (tengah, baju biru) saat menyampaikan pendapat soal pemimpin ideal Kota Surabaya, Selasa 13 Agustus 2019, di Ruang Redaksi Jawapos, Gedung Graha Pena lt IV. (Foto: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – As a form of community service in preparing Surabaya city leaders, Universitas Airlangga academics put forward their criteria for the ideal mayor needed in the future. For this reason, Jawa Pos Editorial in collaboration with Universitas Airlangga held a discussion, “Surabaya Mayor Election 2020”.

Attending at the meeting were 15 Universitas Airlangga experts from various fields of science such as experts from the fields of medicine, public health, politics, law, psychology, social, to arts and culture. The discussion took place Tuesday, August 13, 2019, in the Editorial Room of Jawapos, Graha Pena Building Fourth floor.

Jawa Pos Editor in Chief Abdul Rokhim said academics and experts from Universitas Airlangga were invited to build awareness and sense of shared need, for a vital agenda once every five years, mayor of Surabaya election.

According to him, the mayor is an important government element to make Surabaya better. Therefore, thoughts and contribution from all parties, especially academics, will make the selection process on the right track. Thus, qualified leaders will be elected for a better Surabaya.

“We hope the editors will get the main points of view from various perspectives and fields, both economic, social, legal, psychological, educational, health aspects, so with multi-angle, it will present an understanding of leadership parameters for Surabaya,” explained Rochim.

For prospective candidates, the ideas of academics and experts from Universitas Airlangga can be used as a benchmark in making programs to be offered. So, within one year before the election, the candidates for Surabaya Mayor can prepare their programs. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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