Lysin, a Supplement which has the Potential to be Anti-Cancer

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Illustration by Gatra

In early January, the authors gave lysin therapy as a drug preventing Histiocytoma tumors in cat. Histiocytoma is one of the many types of tumors that are malignant and rare, and it can attack all breeds of cats. Generally, the tumor looks like a lump in the skin and hangs inside thigh or groin. Tumor cells can also grow back in a matter of weeks after surgical removal. The small number of events and research in these cases has caused no definitive treatment measures, so it is still a challenge for veterinarians in the world in dealing with these cases.

In that case, the authors also gave lysin after the tumor was removed. The action aims to prevent tumors from growing back. Generally, lysin contains some essential amniotic acid is consumed as a supplement to increase immunity in the body, absorption of calcium, formation of muscle protein and the formation of enzymes and antibodies.

More than that, lysin has other benefits, especially as an anticancer based on its ability to suppress the production of proteolytic enzymes that play a role in colonizing tumor cells that circulate in the body. After giving lysin, there were no symptoms of the tumor growing again or spreading to other parts of the body clinically and reinforced by the results of blood tests showing quite good results marked by an increase in platelets in the normal direction which generally will decrease if the patient indicated to have tumor or cancer. Besides lysin administration is also able to accelerate the healing process after surgery performed. Seeing its potential as anticancer deeper research needs to be done to see its effectiveness microscopically and immunity so that it can become a “drug of choice” in all types of tumors and cancer cases.

Author: Tri Bhawono Dadi drh., M.Vet.

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