Vitamin D Overcomes Diabetes Mellitus

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Illustration of Scientific Article by Feri Fenoria
Illustration of Scientific Article by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels in body. In recent years, it has become one of the leading causes of death in Indonesia. Placing Indonesia to the top ten countries with the most DM sufferers in the world.

Because of the high number of DM, Dewi Ratna Sari, Dr., M.Si., Grad.Cert.AFA (Dewi) found an additional therapy to modify the risk of DM. More specifically, research conducted by Dewi and the team focuses on the effect of consuming vitamin D about the expression of blood sugar-carrying protein (GLUT4) of the fatty tissue of diabetic rats. GLUT4 functions to help the absorption of blood sugar into fat cells.

“Previously, there have been many studies conducted on the effect of vitamin D for DM but only few are focused on GLUT4 and fat tissue, “Dewi said.

Furthermore, Dewi was assisted by three colleagues. Namely Tri Hartini Yuliawati Dr., M.Ked., Grad.Cert.AFA (Yuli), Lush Dr., M.Si., Grad.Cert.AFA (Rimbun) and Joni Susanto Dr., M.Kes. Accompanied by Prof. H. Ari Gunawan, dr., MS., PA (K)., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Harjanto, JM., Dr.., AIFM.

Dewi explained, there were twenty-eight mice used for this project. After being adapted for seven days, the mice were given a high-fat food for fourteen days and then induced with streptozotocin (a pancreatic cell destroyer) to develop diabetes. Seven days after the induction process, only nineteen mice managed to develop diabetes.

Out of the nineteen mice, they were separated into four groups consisting of a control and a treatment group based on the dose of vitamin D given. The results of this study indicate that the higher the levels of vitamin D, the higher effect of GLUT4 expression will be.

“With the high expression of GLUT4, more blood sugar can be taken up by fat tissue. The hope is that blood sugar levels can return to normal, “explained Lush, adding an explanation.

Yuli explained that people who have no complication issues could consume vitamin D. Furthermore, the liver and kidney conditions of DM patients must be in a healthy condition. The dose of vitamin D consumption also should not exceed the standard limit.

“Consumption of vitamin D in doses that are allowed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration USA, ed), BPOM (Drug and Food Control Agency, ed) or following a doctor’s prescription,” Yuli urged.

Besides, Dewi and the team has a plan to conduct a similar study but use another network, which is linked to diabetes and the side effects of vitamin D to the patients.

Reporter: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia

Reference: Sari, D. R. et al., 2015. Effect of Cholecalciferol on GLUT4 Expression in Adipocyte of Diabetic Rats. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies, 30 (2), pp. 190-193.


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