Ad Stars Affect Consumer Attitudes in Choosing

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Illustration of Scientific Article by Feri Fenoria
Illustration of Scientific Article by Feri Fenoria

UNAIR NEWS – Social research in management field does not always use survey methods. Another approach that can be used is the experimental design. In the realm of marketing management, especially related to advertising, experimental studies can use various instruments, such as printed media advertisements, electronic media advertisements, digital media advertisements, outdoor advertising, and so on.

A study using an experimental approach from Faculty of Economics and Business was conducted by Prof. Tanti Handriana and Wahyu Rahman Wisandiko. The research was titled Consumer Attitudes Toward Advertisement and Brand, Based on the Number of Endorsers and Product Involvement: An Experimental Study and it involved 120 participants.

This research by Prof. Tanti examines consumers’ attitudes toward advertising and brands related to the number of endorsers or ad stars who promote them, as well as product involvement. In her research, Prof. Tanti and Wahyu used printed media advertisements designed for experimental research purposes.

Product liability consists of two types, high involvement and low involvement. In high involvement, consumers will have greater motivation to pay attention, understand and elaborate information about a purchase. Whereas in low involvement, consumers have lower motivation. The example of high involvement products is buying a home and buying a smart phone, while examples of low involvement products are the purchase of table salt and bottled drinking water.

In marketing communication, there are terms of central route and peripheral routeIn general, there is a central route for high involvement products, while peripheral route occurs in low involvement products. It means when choosing high involvement products, consumers tend to see the benefits, features, advantages, price, and facilities of these products. On the other hand, when choosing a low involvement product, consumers tend to be quite attracted from its packaging or the provider of product information.

For her research, Prof. Tanti and Wahyu used mobile phone products as examples of high involvement products and snacks as an example of low involvement products.

There were four advertising design scenarios. First, the high involvement product was advertised by one celebrity as the ad star. Second, the high involvement product was advertised by three celebrities. Third, the low involvement product was advertised by one celebrity. And the last one, low involvement product was advertised by three celebrities.

The results showed that consumers’ attitudes toward advertisements were higher if there were more ad stars. It means, ads with more celebrities will influence the consumers more. “Maybe consumers are more confident if there are more celebrities,” said Prof. Tanti during interview on Tuesday, July 30, 2019.

The study also showed that the attitude of consumers towards the brand is higher if there are more ad stars. Meanwhile, consumers’ attitudes towards advertisements that display ad stars on low involvement products are higher than high involvement products. On the other hand, consumer attitudes towards brands will be higher in ads that display celebrities in low involvement products category than high involvement products. (*)

Author: Rio F. Rachman

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


Tanti Handriana, Wahyu Rahman Wisandiko. 2017. Consumer attitudes toward advertisement and brand, based on the number of endorsers and product involvement: An experimental study. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 19(3):289

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