Public libraries have long been a source of knowledge for the public. The changing function of a library from a place to share information to a place of knowledge creation requires the library to improve itself. To do this, many changes need to be done, from information sources that are currently still oriented towards print collections into digital collections, changing ownership rights to access rights, changing library websites to one-stop shopping portals, where users can get information but can also share knowledge with other users.
What is the current condition of the public library? Many public libraries, known as the official Treasury and Archive Office in Indonesia, still focus on providing rooms with printed collections ranging from books, magazines and newspapers. The library also provides space for communities, reading services, and several digital collections.
The average public libraries at the provincial level already have a library website. However, almost all public library websites in 34 provinces are still static websites that only provide one-way information to users. Digital services can hardly be found in the public library websites. The information source on this public library website only shows the catalog (OPAC); there are no digital reference services, and other digital services.
Indonesia’s population is large and spread from Sabang to Merauke. This vast area has a different complexity. Moreover, the vital role of public libraries to human capital development is to have competitiveness and knowledge literacy, and global creativity and innovation are the main keys to the success of a nation. Therefore, the public library should transform from providing information through a static website into a knowledge portal.
Public library portals are encouraged to promote knowledge innovation and invention, so they reach all across Indonesia. Public libraries are available in all provinces, cities, districts, to villages. If digital library services can be utilized digitally, it is expected to increase community innovation.
The survey was conducted in 34 Provincial Library Service websites (public libraries) with a period of time from August 1 – 15, 2017. The focus of the survey was to see the availability of digital collections online, the availability of digital services such as chat with librarians, the availability of reliable external information sources, and the availability of user forum for discussion.
Based on the results of a web survey on the website of the provincial libraries, 55% of data or 19 public libraries at the provincial level do not have a website. While from libraries that have websites, 26 percent already have OPAC even though it only contains a description of the collection, and only 6 percent or 1 library that already has a digital collection that can be accessed by its members. The library is East Kalimantan Provincial Library with Ikaltim application. Almost all libraries do not have digital services such as chat with librarians, external information source services, and user forums.
The provincial public library websites consist of information on library profiles, types of services provided, collections owned, service hours, organizational structure, and library-related events and news. There are several libraries that have included digital services such as East Java library with Jawatimuran local content collection that can be accessed online, and the East Kalimantan library with the Borneo Library, the Digital Library of Ikaltim, and a joint catalog.
Seeing the condition of the public library websites, a static website should be transformed into a portal of knowledge. A knowledge portal must be able to be a place where knowledge and innovation are created.
Features that must be present in the portal should be able to facilitate the process of knowledge acquisition/creation, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, knowledge application, and knowledge sharing. Through this portal, users can obtain information and knowledge from various sources such as e-books, social media, internet, and other users. Therefore, users easily and quickly access knowledge that suits their needs.
Furthermore, users can also share their ideas into the portal to be used by other members. The library can also easily find out the needs of users through the feedback they provide. The framework of the knowledge portal consists of e-resources, user needs, collaboration, internet resources, integrated OPAC, and collaboration.
Innovation will be created if someone has easy access to knowledge. With this knowledge, one can get inspiration that can be a capital for discoveries. But in Indonesia, there are not many trusted information institutions. The gap in access to information sources and mastery of technology is an obstacle in the process of creating innovation.
With full support from provincial libraries that are moving and transforming together throughout Indonesia, they are expected to be able to provide a platform for the creation of knowledge innovations and inventions for the entire community. (*)
Author: Nove E. Variant Anna
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