The Use of Corpus in Learning and Teaching English
The word corpus may sound foreign to our ears, especially for those who are not linguists. The corpus is an […]
The word corpus may sound foreign to our ears, especially for those who are not linguists. The corpus is an […]
Kata korpus mungkin terdengar asing di telinga kita. Lebih-lebih bagi yang bukan ahli bahasa atau linguis. Korpus merupakan kumpulan teks
Antibiotic use as growth promoters on poultry farms has been banned in European organic farms based on EC Council Regulation
Antibiotika sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan pada peternakan unggas telah dilarang penggunaannya. Pada organic farm di Eropa berdasar regulasi EC Council Regulation
UNAIRNEWS – Community Service (KKN) is a compulsory tertiary education program which is a form of integrity between student activities
UNAIR NEWS – In order to prepare university for 500 World Class University (WCU), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an international
Nurses are one of the primary health workers in the health system who are still experiencing a crisis or lack
Perawat merupakan salah satu tenaga kesehatan utama dalam sistem kesehatan yang masih mengalami krisis atau kekurangan dari sisi jumlah, jenis
It is estimated that about 240 million people worldwide are infected with chronic hepatitis B and 600,000 people die each
Diperkirakan sebanyak 240 juta penduduk dunia terinfeksi hepatitis B kronis dan 600.000 orang meninggal tiap tahunnya akibat komplikasi dari hepatitis