“CERIA” UNAIR KKN Program Involves International Student

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International Student with local residents during KKN CERIA. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIRNEWS – Community Service (KKN) is a compulsory tertiary education program which is a form of integrity between student activities in the fields of social, education, economics, and research. In this case, Universitas Airlangga has several KKN programs which are directly supervised by Community Service and Development Institutions (LPPM), among them are KKN-Community-Learning (KKN-BBM), KKN General Election (Election KKN), KKN-Back to Village (KKN-BV), up to the latest, KKN-Community Empowerment Program at Universitas Airlangga (KKN-CERIA).

This year is the second time of  KKN-CERIA implementation, which is directly supervised by the supervision of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) and LPPM. In the previous year, KKN-CERIA located in Jember Regency which then spread in five groups in five villages. In contrast to its implementation in 2019 in Banyuwangi Regency, KKN-CERIA focused more on the development of one village, Tamansari Village.

Starting from July 4 to 13, KKN-CERIA with 31 participants were distributed into three groups. There were total of 17 international students participating in KKN-CERIA and from many countries such as Pakistan, Singapore, Nepal, and many more.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS at the closing event, Mandeep Kumar Kushwaha from Nepal said  KKN-CERIA program is building social networks and helping residents of Tamansari Village to improve the tourism system. Especially in the term of coffee development.

The student who graduated from Tribhuwan University and currently pursuing his master’s degree at  Universitas Padjajaran explained the purpose of joining KKN-CERIA program was to help villagers to work more effectively.

“The activities are exciting, and we learned traditional dances and attended workshops on regional specialty coffee. Every night, we also teach children to learn English. “he explained.

Although in a short period, Mandeep said he was happy and hoped the program that he carried out during the day could be successful and beneficial for the surrounding community.

“I hope this activity will focus more on time management and work programs in the future. Hopefully, this activity can continue in the years to come, “he concluded.

Author: Tsania Ysnaini Mawardi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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