The Importance of Citation for Research

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FROM LEFT: Raditya Sukmana, Paresh Narayan, Nisful Laila discussing about various knowledge about the importance of citations, at Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR on Monday, June 22. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – Increasing citations of the researchers, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga invited Prof. Paresh Narayan, a researcher from Deakin University, Australia on Monday, June 22. Prof. Paresh was invited to explain various knowledge for students at FEB, especially master and doctoral student to publish scientific articles of reputable journals.

As said by Vice Dean III FEB UNAIR Nisful Laila, the collaboration by inviting Prof. Paresh Narayan has been going on for three years. In the last three years, he has been awarded as the most scientific researcher.

“From year to year, the publication at FEB has increased. Now we have Q1, Q2 publication because of his help (Prof. Paresh, ed), “Nisful said.

Besides being the highest citation researcher, he was an editor in chief on several reputable international journals.

Citations are one of the essential factors to increase World Class University rankings. Besides, the high number of citations also indicates that the research conducted by UNAIR has had a significant impact on the community.

In addition to Deakin University, FEB UNAIR also works with other universities with similar objectives. Among other things, universities in Pakistan, Taiwan, America, New Zealand, India, and Vietnam.

“We collaborate on research, writing together with grant funds,” said Nisful. “Thus we can learn from many experts to write because students are required to write in Scopus journals, both master and doctoral student,” he added.

Through sharing session, Nisful hopes that she can build an academic atmosphere on the campus to collaborate with foreign researchers. In this way, students are expected to dare to submit Scopus indexed journals and other high-rank journals.

Meanwhile, Prof. Naresh said that a study must have an impact and benefits for the community. According to him, there is 70 percent of papers from reputable journals that have never been quoted.

“We should not publish research only for that purpose. We must be involved in research that is useful and has an impact so that it has implications for policy, ” he emphasized.

Dozens of master and doctoral students of FEB listened to citation material from Prof. Paresh at Faculty of Economics and Business UNAIR on Monday, July 22. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

He admitted that researchers must publish research in reputable journals. However, more importantly, the research must have an impact on society.

“We need to publish in a great place, but this journal must be useful, then it needs to produce citations. Then it will be used by industry, “he said. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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