Using Animation, Faculty of Pharmacy Educates Elementary Student about the Right Way to Use Medicine

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UNAIR NEWS – As one of the Tri Dharma of higher education, community service activities (Pengmas) is for students to apply their knowledge from university to the public. That was the reason behind the activities of the Community Pharmacy Clinical Department, Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).

A total of 20 students and two lecturers of FF UNAIR held Community Service activities to the coast of Gresik, precisely from Tuesday to Wednesday on July 16-17. Precisely at Muhammadiyah Manyar Elementary School and Muhammadiyah 1 Elementary School Gresik.

There were counseling, training, health checks. However, there is something different from the community service this time.

The event was intended for elementary school students and counseling on how to get, use, purchase and dispose of medicine correctly and adequately — alternatively known as Dagusibu (Get, Use, Save and Dispose).

Khoirotin Nisak, S.Farm., M.Pharm. Apt as the head of the Pengmas team explained that the activity aimed to educate students about the use of drugs correctly and adequately. “Elementary students are not often targeted for extension activities like this. Even though they are the forerunners of the young generation who will build the nation later, “he said.

Uniquely, the material is given through animated films and puppet shows. In order to attract the attention of elementary students, the committee collaborated with animation production house Mocca Studio made animated film that lasted four minutes. While the puppet show from Faculty of Psychology UNAIR.

The film explained the story of Mr. Dodo who carelessly bought medicine and met a Pharmacist (Acil). He explained the danger of buying medicine randomly. Acil also mentioned about the drug logo, how to get it and dispose the medicine.

Through the activity which was attended by around 350 students from various levels, it aims to provide benefits for them. In fact, students are the next generation of our nation. “With the provision of knowledge about health, especially medicine, we hope to provide enlightenment and increase students’ knowledge,” he said.

Similar activities had also been carried out in 2018. Furthermore, the information was delivered through puppet shows and Acil’s adventure tales story. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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