UNAIR NEWS – Facebook is a social media platform that is widely used in Indonesia. Many people do their research about Facebook, especially those majored in Communication Sciences. One of Scopus’s indexed research about Facebook was carried out by UNAIR Communication Department Lecturer Kandi Aryani “Facebook as Space of Resistance for Indonesian-Postcolonial Identity.” In this study, Kandi used the perspective of colonialism, with qualitative methods to study digital media.
Facebook is an ecosystem in the new media era, which has virtual reality is different from actual reality in real world. Facebook as a media provides an opportunity for everyone to share their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like. Through Facebook, social movements can be grown. For example, in the case of criminalization of KPK Bibit and Chandra commissioners, who later popularized the expression Cicak versus Buaya.
This research focuses on seeing how people who live in the countries that have been colonized by other nations in expressing themselves and showing their identity. This research is increasingly interesting because after experiencing colonialism, Indonesia was also once controlled by the New Order regime, which was known as “semi-authoritarian.” Democracy does exist, but anyway, the government always strives in every way to perpetuate power for up to 32 years.
“Facebook is a place for people to show who they are. It is also a place for everyone to convey as many ideas as possible,” Kandi said.
Furthermore, Facebook has the column “Religious View” and “Affiliation,” several people also include identities which before is impossible to show it. For example, “agnostic” and “left.” Thus, Facebook has become a space for people to express their identity as he wishes.
Moreover, a person can portray himself without history or the past that can be measured in its validity. For example, the person who has an account since 2009, his past before 2009 can be created on his page. He could also be impressed on Facebook page.
However, there is colonialism logic that occurs in facebook system or mechanism. Everyone can give comments, share their thought, and they will see other people thought on their timeline. Thus, there is a mutual expansion of space in the process.
In connection with the emergence of the new media era, there is a prosumer phenomenon on facebook. Society is not only a consumer of information presented by the media, as happened in the age of conventional media in the past. But also, they can be a producer of ideas that can be set freely. (*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
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