UNAIR NEWS – National University Debating Championship (NUDC) and 2019 Indonesia Student Debate Competition (KDMI) at Universitas Airlangga officially ended on Thursday night, July 18. Located at Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Campus C Management Office, several ceremonies and entertainment from UNAIR students filled the event of the competition.
There were 119 groups of participants competing in the event. All of them come from 14 regions of universities throughout Indonesia, both public and private universities. In details, 336 students were NUDC participants from 112 universities and 112 KDMI participants from 28 universities.
Secretary of Director General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, S.E., M.SI., said the competition is a process of developing student mental thinking. Furthermore, all participants should realize that everybody stands in one line, especially students.
“As Indonesian students, all of them have the responsibility to develop the nation progress and by honing their abilities,” he said.
“Especially improving the ability of logical thinking and expressing arguments in the debate competition,” he added.
Based on the results of the competition which began on July, 14-19, the list of winners of NUDC and KDMI 2019 was announced. KDMI First Winner is Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB); Second Winner is Universitas Negeri Malang (UM); Third Winner is Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and Universitas Islam Sunan Agung, two universities.
Besides, 12 students were selected as the winners of KDMI Best Debate category. In sequence, the best debater I was Muhammad Zufar Farhan Z., Gajah Mada University (UGM); Muhammad Rafly Rizky P. (UGM); Citra Dewi H., Yogyakarta State University (UNY); Astrid Ningtyas F. (UGM); Fahrul Ahyan (UB); Rifky Zachris D., Universitas Indonesia (UI); Gardadiadi Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB); Ervin Naufal A. (ITB); Kael Dilon E. (IPB); Muhammad Ghifari Karsa, Syiah Kuala University; Ghiffary Yovandika A. F. (UB); and Cinta Vidate (ITB).
Meanwhile, there were two categories — namely, Main Draw and Novice.
The winners of Main Draw category were Maerel Dhalia Arumnisa and Yusuf Alfat Fauzani from Universitas Diponegoro (Undip); followed by Joshua Chang and Danny Purnama delegates from Universitas Kristen Petra (UKP) Surabaya as the 1st Runner Up; then Rahma Hanum Amalia Sugianto and Firsttolia Larasati Yan S. (UGM), and finally Adam Rifky and Derril Pramana Tungka (UI) as 3rd Runner Up. Furthermore, Novice categories were Nathan Handrijono and Syella Telyvia Tania from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro; followed by Fahira Zheryn Azzahra and Maria Lucia Dwigama Purba from Universitas Riau; Putu Ditha Tilottami Upaningtyas and Rizaldy Wahyudinata Danupoyo from Universitas Udayana; and Ivan Paskal and Angga Djovangka Putra from Politeknik Wilmar Bisnis Indonesia.
Also, there were 15 winners of Main Draw Best Speaker category. Gold medalists, namely Rahma Hanum Amalia Sugianto and Firsttolia Larasati Yan Sugianto (UGM), Derril Pramana Tungka and Adam Rifky (UI), as well as Bobby Ongkojoyo from Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya).
Then, silver medalist, namely Giovanni Nickson Zefanya (Unpad); Daud Hernoud Christhen Loudoe (Ubaya), Madeleine Claudya and Livina Septiana (Atma Jaya Unika), and Salsafia Putri (ITB).
And, the bronze medalist was Liana Tan (Universitas Bina Nusantara); Maerel Dhalia Arumnisa (Undip); Cheryl Michelin Pangestu (Parahyangan University); Randy Rentanaka (ITB); and Devi Salsabila (Universitas Airlangga).
Another category of NUDC 2019 is Novice Best Speaker. There were 15 winners. Gold medalists were Feliani and Leonardo (Universitas Tanjungpura); Jodi Satria Affan (Universitas Islam Sultan Agung); Ernest Nathan Handrijono (Univ. Dian Nuswantoro); and Kenneth Winston Aurel (Universitas Sam Ratulangi).
The silver medal of Novice Best Speaker category won by Rizaldy Wahyudinata Danupoyo and Putu Ditha Tilottami Upaningtyas (Universitas Udayana); Desmery Natalia Tarigan (USU); Faraytodi Gibra (Universitas Andalas) and Diah Annisa Aprilia (Universitas Tadulako). Finally, the bronze medal won by T. Angga Djovangka Putra (Poltek Wilmar Bisnis); Maria Lucia Dwigama Purba (Universitas Negeri Riau); Ongky Andriawa (Universitas Andalas); Muhammad Rayhan Al Farizi (Universitas Islam Indonesia) and Asri Syawalia (Universitas Bangka Belitung).
Besides, Non-Debate competition category, Winamora Dapa (Unpad) won first place in Essay Writing Competition. Next, Eka B.W. (Undip) and I Putu Bagus Dimas (Universitas Presiden).
For Public Speaking Competition category, the first winner was Jasmine from ASM Cendana; then Yimma Lorinda (Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta); and Arif Darmawan (Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa).
Furthermore all 2019 NUDC winners will be dispatched to an international event. Precisely to Thailand to join World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) representing Indonesia. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i