Two UNAIR Scout UKM Members Won at 2019 Racana Walisongso National Essay Competition

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MUHAMMAD Sabilul Firdaus (left) and Shinta Febrianty (right). (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Student Activity Unit (UKM) Scout Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) won a competition essay event again. This time the two representatives were Muhammad Sabilul Firdaus (Faculty of Psychology 2016) with 3rd place winner and Shinta Febrianti (Faculty of Public Health 2016) with the consolation prize winner.

The competition of Racana Walisongo 2019 National Essay Competition took place on Thursday, July 11 at Walisongo UIN Semarang. The competition was attended by six finalists who managed to passed the competition. But on that occasion, UNAIR was the only one who succeeded in sending two representatives at once.

A representative of UKM Scouts who won 3rd place, Muhammad Sabilul Firdaus explained the essay of KAMPING (Kakah Pendamping): The Role of Scouts as a Form of Social Support for Victims of Abuse in Schools. The essay contains the effort to deal with bullying or abuse cases that occur in schools or educational institution.

“This essay departed from my interesting experience while teaching scout in two private schools in Surabaya. First, in one of the private elementary schools, there was one student who welcomed me and gave a very positive impression. He has a disability, so he needs more attention while he is speaking,” he said.

This facial disability made some of his friends bullied him at school. Of course, it will make him sad. However, it was different when he teaches in one of junior high school, Surabaya which is an inclusive school, and there were students with special needs (ABK).

“During the activities, his friends understood ABK students condition and helped them. With tolerance inspired me to write an essay, “he added.

On the other hand, scout is compulsory extracurricular activities — both in the field of primary and secondary education. Scouts can be an agent of change in the education realm to be better and always prioritize tolerance towards others.

Sabil did not expect to get third place in the competition because it was the first time for him in exploring a national essay competition.

“Losing or winning in the competition is only a bonus, the most important thing is knowledge and relation,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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