UNAIR NEWS – The high number of road accidents, especially in prone areas, has made several lecturers from the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga provide education about first aid for accident victims. The community service, led by Dr. Ninuk Dian K S.Kep.Ns., MANP., was held at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik on Tuesday (16/7).
The lecturer, familiarly called Ninuk, said that the implementation of the community service was a form of cooperation with the partner, SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik. In addition to being a partner, the area around SMK 3 Muhammadiyah Gresik is a highway that accidents often occur. Therefore, providing insight into first aid for accident victims for SMK 3 Muhammadiyah Gresik students is very necessary, said Ninuk.
“This insight can be a provision when they are in the world of work. Given, their work often intersects with accidents,” she said.
The community service activity, which was also supported by students who were doing KKN-BBM in the Cerme Gresik area, lasted two hours. Ninuk also explained that on Friday (19/7), her party would also hold the same activity at SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Gresik.
“In addition to being a place for KKN-BBM, the Cerme Gresik area is our target area. We need to carry out community service activities here,” added Ninuk.
Furthermore, to dozens of students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Gresik, Ninuk and the team gave various insights. Mainly, regarding the initial skills in performing first aid in an accident. Thus, continued Ninuk, when students encountered the incident, they could perform first aid appropriately.
“It is important so that when accident victims are taken to the hospital, they do not suffer serious injuries,” she said.
The participants enthusiastically followed the first-aid training activity, which was carried out in a relaxed and fun way. For Ninuk and her team, it could be the start for all students to understand various things about basic aid, how to help victims, and moving victims.
“In the future, if when they work, they encounter this incident, they know how to help. Moreover, this community service is also their provision to transmit information to the people closest to them,” concluded Ninuk.
Author: Nuri Hermawan