Ni Made Adnya Suasti, Representing UNAIR at National Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres)

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Ni Made Adnya Suasti, 2016 student Faculty of Medicine as Representative Outstanding Mawapres. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) through the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) held National Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres) event routinely. The program is the most prestigious event for outstanding students throughout Indonesia.

This year, a representative of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) who succeeded in passing National Outstanding Student Selection is Ni Made Adnya Suasti, 2016 student of Faculty of Medicine. Her struggle in becoming a vice president was not easy. Scientific paper writing skill is one of the requirement.

Adnya, she has a myriad of national and international achievements. One of them is the winner of two Public Poster World Immunization Week international competition. In addition to her academic achievement, she also active in organizing.

One of the criteria in National Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres) is the ability of students to write original scientific papers. On this occasion, former of Chief Executive of Organizing Committee wrote a scientific paper entitled “Comprehensive Communicable Disease Mapping: Efforts to Control the Transmission of Infectious Diseases to Tourists in Indonesia.”

“The core of the title is a comprehensive information system about the description of infectious diseases in Indonesia and also as demand for visiting tourists to avoid and carry out early management of infectious diseases while traveling,” he explained.

Apart from being attracted to infectious or infectious diseases, Adnya said the primary key to reducing infectious diseases is by breaking the chain of transmission. Therefore, the intention is making information system so people will be more aware and empowered.

During the selection process, she had been preoccupied with minimal preparation because this event coincided with her thesis preparation. However, she can overcome this problem and get full support from the closest people and faculty.

“The reason was to develop and improve the potential and quality of myself. My message to other friends is you should do what you like and bring an impact to others, always be diligent and be the best version of yourself. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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