Sigap Benowo, Students First Project of KKN UNAIR in Response to Flood

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UNAIR KKN IPE students discussed Disaster Management with lecturers and several counseling participants on Saturday June 29 at Sumber Rejo Urban Village Office, Surabaya City. (Doc. KKN Team)

UNAIR NEWS – Benowo, an area known to flood especially during the rainy season. From the identification and analysis of the problems carried out by students in Community Service Study Program Universitas Airlangga, the lack of preparedness of people during the flood. Especially for residents of Sumber Rejo.

For this reason, KKN Interprofessional Education (IPE) UNAIR students educated residents of Sumber Rejo. Counseling was held on Saturday, June 29 at Sumber Rejo Urban Village Office, Surabaya City. The event was attended by Representative of RW, RT, cadres. Besides, the supervisors of KKN IPE Disaster Management Topics, Dwi Sapta Edy Purnama, dr., Head of Benowo Health Center and Village Development Counselor (DP2D) Muhammad Farid Dimjati Lusno, dr., M.KL.

The theme was “Sigap Benowo”, which stands for Siap Siaga Tanggap Benowo (Benowo Responsive Alert). The event was aimed at residents to increase the knowledge and preparation of floods. Considering, the problem faced by residents is the flood of shipments.

The event began with the arrival of participants where each participant received an infographic leaflet on disaster preparedness. The event began with remarks by Head of KKN IPE group Adil Jihad Muhammad. Furthermore, it was continued by Muhammad Farid Dimjati Lusno, Dr., M.KL, and secretary.

At the event, there were two materials. The first material delivered by Slamet Andris Prasetyo, Amd. Kep. about handling emergency cases that often occur during disasters. Slamet also explained the basic principles of first aid that can be done by citizens when a disaster occurs.

In addition, he also rectified the misunderstanding of people in carrying out first aid. He also introduced several actions that could only be carried out by trained medical personnel. Slamet also said Surabaya Government is involved in providing emergency services and assistance, by calling 112 call center.

The second material was delivered by IPN KKN student, Pitasari Nastiti about handling floods. In the material, she explained the dangers of flooding and the impacts that can occur on the community. She also stressed the importance of sanitation in the local environment and the importance of preparing supplies, such as food and medicine.

Furthermore, there were also ice breaking and prize distribution on the first and second material to add to the excitement of the event.

Hopefully, the event held by UNAIR KKN IPE students will be useful for Sumber Rejo residents. In the future, they will be more ready in facing this issue. (*)

Author: Team of KKN IPE Disaster Management Topics

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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