Realease 1350 Students of KKN SKIM 1, Prof. Djoko: This Is Improvement of Leadership

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UNAIR NEWS – Vice Rector officially released a total of 1,350 students from Community Service Program (SKN 1) of Universitas Airlangga I Prof. Dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM., Tuesday morning (July 2) at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR. Community Service Program is a compulsory program followed by students towards the end of their time in college. Precisely as part of realizing the tri dharma value, which includes education, research, and service.

A total of 1,350 students consisted of students from all of UNAIR faculties. They will be in Surabaya, Gresik, Lamongan, Jember, Banyuwangi, Tuban, and Bandung. For those in Bandung, KKN program is Citarum Harum and working with Kodam (Military Regional Command) 39.

Head of UNAIR Community Development and Service Institution (LPPM) Dr. Eko Supeno, M.Si., said UNAIR applied 9 KKN schemes. Includes, Thematic KKN-BBM (Community Learning); KKN Back to Village; Cheerful Community Service; Overseas KKN; Election KKN; KKN IPE (Interprofessional Education); 6th National KKN; Citarum Community Service Program; and KKN PPM Dikti.

During this time, Dr. Eko said there were 3,000 UNAIR students each semester who are deployed to KKN area. Reflecting on that number, not a few contributions have been given by students to the community. On the other hand, for students, it also encourages a good learning process for students in society.

“Now, the concepts of Community Service Program have been developed with various types of SKIM (scheme, Red), which are 9 SKIM. So, each of KKN models is expected to provide maximum results following the needs of the community, “he said.

“But, departing for this morning (Tuesday, July 2 ed) is only SKIM to 1. That is, Thematic BBM KKN,” he added.

Head of Community Service and Development Institution (LPPM) Dr. Eko Supeno, M.Si., while giving a speech in the release of KKN students at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR on Tuesday, June 3.
FROM THE LEFT, UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Djoko Santoso, Ph.D., K-GH., FINASIM .; Vice Rector III Prof., Ir. MOCH AMIN ALAMSJAH M.Si., Ph.D .; Head of Community Service and Development Institute (LPPM) Dr. Eko Supeno, M.Si. ,; and Director of Education Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto Dea, Drh., In the release of KKN students at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR on Tuesday, July 3. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

Dr. Eko said the number of schemes implemented by UNAIR regarding service is not without reason. In addition, to provide many places for students, this indicates that UNAIR students are ready to be deployed and contribute services anywhere in the territory of Indonesia.

“One of the goals is ready to be anywhere to serve in the country,” he said.

For example, KKN Back to Village explained Dr. Eko, contains activities to return the students concerned to their village. The goal, the students can re-build and serve in their hometown.

“I hope that with various KKN SKIM and spread in many regions or provinces, the results are more focused, maximized, and have a great impact,” he said.  

“That way, not only provides added value for students in the learning process that is in the midst of the community, but also offers positive benefits for the target community of Community Service. Moreover, students are present and can help and increase their capacity, “he added.

In his release words, Prof. Dr., Djoko said the real service to the community is an essential part of the education process. Especially strengthening the ability of leadership or leadership values.

All the problems faced when dealing directly with the community encourage students to be pro-active and take the initiative to do something. Furthermore, they will gain soft leadership skills.

“This (KKN Activity, ed) is one part of a long process in the framework of improving leadership process. “After you graduate, be a leader,” he said. (*)

Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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