UNAIR NEWS – There was something different happening on Saturday morning, June 29 in the Hall of Tandes Sub-District Office, Surabaya City. Universitas Airlangga students with Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of East Java held an anti-drug dissemination and declaration event and invited hundreds of teenagers from the youth organization in Tandes Sub-district.
In the event, Jihan Khalisa from the Faculty of Medicine UNAIR delivered a presentation on drugs in general and drug abuse in Indonesia. “State losses due to drugs in 2017 reached 84.7 trillion rupiahs, this is the biggest number affecting to the country,” he said.
The dissemination event also commemorated the International Anti Narcotics Day (HANI) 2019 on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 entitled ‘Healthy Millennials without Narcotics Towards Golden Indonesia’. The event presented a former drug addict, Dian Wasita. Dian encouraged teenagers not to use drugs. She managed to recover with great enthusiasm and motivation that emerged from her. And now, she is an anti-drug volunteer at BNNP East Java.
The event presented a former drug addict, Dian Wasita. Dian encouraged the teenagers not to use drugs. She managed to recover with great enthusiasm and motivation that emerged from her. And now, she is an anti-drug volunteer at BNNP East Java.
“Don’t even try, because it will damage and destroy your life,” said Dian.
The Inter Professional Education (IPE) Community Service Program (KKN) Universitas Airlangga is a joint program of several faculties in the health field. The faculties included were medicine, dental medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacy, and psychology.
This KKN IPE is the first batch launched by UNAIR Community Service and Development Agency (LPPM). In this NAPZA topic group, the head of the 22-member team Helmy Kurniawan said the activity was aimed at inviting teenagers to commit to avoiding drugs. Through this declaration, Helmy hoped that anti-drug cadres will grow.
Meanwhile, Head of Community Prevention and Empowerment of East Java BNNP M. Satriyono hoped the declaration is not just a mere ceremony.
“It must really be a joint commitment to instill anti-drug awareness with the community, especially teenagers,” he said.

The event was closed with a drug pledge led by the head of Karang Taruna (Youth Organization) of Tandes Sub-District followed by all participants and guests. Then, there was a signing of an anti-drug declaration and a photo session with “STOP DRUGS” stickers in their hands.
“The program was very useful, hopefully this event can motivate and be a spirit of Tandes’ teenagers not to use drugs and they can become an example to teenagers as anti-drug activists,” stated Arif, head of the Tandes Youth Organization. (*)
Author: KKN IPE Team
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh