UNAIR NEWS – Waqf education through digital media is deemed more effective because the target is the millennial generation. The dissemination is important because the public is not aware of the waqf stipulated by Minister of Religion Affairs Regulation Number 4 of 2009 concerning the existence of money waqf.
Dr. Wisudanto, SE., MM., CFP., ASPM as secretary of Center for Social Fund Management Universitas Airlangga said that the community only know the concept of waqf in the form of wealth, estate or land when waqf concept has developed in form of cash as well. So through Youtube platform, the people, especially the millennial generation, will easily understand the importance of waqf.
“Our target market for waqf introduction is the millennial generation. In the next 5 years, they will become leaders of this country. Moreover, waqf studies are very rarely found in Islamic gathering and Friday prayer sermon in mosques, “he said.
Therefore, PUSPAS gives its appreciation to the millennial generation by giving certificates to participants of photo and video competitions that have been held since Ramadhan. Participants who attended were from State Islamic University Sunan Ampel (UINSA), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UMS) and Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR).
In addition to giving certificates to the participants, PUSPAS also provided waqf dissemination for millennial generations on Thursday, July 4, 2019, at Warunk Upnormal Dharmahusada. Dr. Wisudanto, SE., MM, CFP., ASPM (Secretary of PUSPAS UNAIR), Dr. Sulitya Rusgianto, S.E.., M.I.F (Coordinator for Development), Agung Luthfi Fauzan, S.Pi., M.Si (Coordinator of Collection), Muhammad Sutomo Oktoputra, S.Sos., M.M., CFP., QWP (representative of PT Generasi Indonesia) attended the event.
Dr. Wisudanto, said that the activity aims to provide literacy to young people who become content creators. So that they will understand about waqf and spread the da’wah messages that are packaged attractively to the public.
“We will help the process of distributing waqf videos that have been made by young people to get a lot of viewers and likes,” he added.
Dr. Wisudanto also hoped that by giving waqf we will always improve the community’s social concern for the environment. We also do more good deeds and the reward will continue to flow.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Sutomo Oktoputra, S.Sos., MM., CFP., QWP, as a representative of PT Generali Indonesia said that most people do not give waqf, not because they do not want to. People do not have to wait hundreds of millions of rupiah to donate part of their assets. However, the community easily give cash waqf with a small amount, easily and can be done anytime.
“Don’t forget before you give waqf, make sure the family is prosperous first,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia