UNAIR NEWS – KKN (Real Work Lecture) Activities at Harum Citarum Universitas Airlangga officially began and opened on Thursday, July 04 at Citarum Riverbank, Sukamukti Village, Bandung District, Bandung Regency. As many as 200 students from all of UNAIR faculties will take part in KKN of 14 villages starting on Thursday, July 04 until Wednesday, July 24.
Furthermore, all parties involved in Citarum National Program (National Program) were there. Namely, parties from UNAIR, TNI in this case Kodam III / Siliwangi, Bandung District Government, and the surrounding communities of Sukamukti Village. For about three weeks of activities, 200 students will be accompanied by TNI through Koramil in each region. From UNAIR, there were three lecturers accompanied students to hold community empowerment activities. Namely, Dra. Tania Ardiani Saleh, MS, PA (K) from Faculty of Medicine (FK); Dr. Lanny Ramli, SH, M. Hum., Faculty of Law (FH); and Yanuar Nugroho, SE, M.Si., Ak., CA., Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV).
In his remarks, Head of Cimparay District Yusup Supriatna, S.Ag.Msi represented Bandung District Government welcomed KKN activities in his area. In the previous year, Citarum River was named the dirtiest river in the world. Collaboration from universities through student is needed to overcome this problem.
“During this year, the improvement in Citarum River is realized. However, to make this river clean, it is not enough to rely on one party. Collaboration from various parties is urgently needed, “he said.
“Thank you for students who helped the event, and we are grateful of TNI and Universitas Airlangga collaboration, “he added.
In addition, UNAIR Director of Education Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA, Drh., in his remarks hoped that students could interact well with the community.
“We hope Universitas Airlangga academics and student could contribute to solving problems that exist in all regions of Indonesia, “he said.
“So, reporting on the sub-district head and the director (sector commander, ed). There were several participants from medical, dentistry, law, science and technology, pharmacy, and many more, “he added.

Meanwhile, Dansektor 7 Colonel Cavalry Purwadi representing the Pangdam III / Siliwangi in his speech hoped that the students of Citarum Harum-KKN UNAIR would fully take part in the activities. Particularly active plays a role in facing the current problem.
“Especially, for the resident in the watershed area of Citarum River who do not have environmental awareness of throwing garbage into the river,” he said.
Colonel Cavalry Purwadi said the community needs to be given an understanding of the importance of cleaning and a healthy environment. Especially, through socialization and education.
“Including providing solutions and solving all problems, especially to restore the sustainability of Citarum River,” he said.
In addition, Prognas Citarum Harum is divided into 22 sectors of the handling area. All of them are spread along in Citarum River as far as 267 Km. UNAIR Citarum KKN students are placed in Sector 7 / Harum Citarum. Namely, consisting of 14 villages and 5 sub-districts. (*) Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i