Spending Holiday, TLM Students Holds Community Service

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Health check activities by TLM students to the people of Mligi Hamlet, Claket Village, Pacet District, Mojokerto Regency. (Photo: Sidaryanti)

UNAIR NEWS – Medical Technology (TLM) students, Faculty of Vocational Studies took a time off after carrying out Final Semester Examination (UAS) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) by doing community service (community service). The community service titled MESENTRICAL (Medical Analyst Entering Village to be Clean and Health) was conducted in Mligi Hamlet, Claket Village, Pacet Sub-District, Mojokerto Regency on June 28-30.  

The event were attended by lecturers and teaching staff of D3 TLM study program and it was opened directly by Dean of Faculty Vocational Studies Prof. Dr. Widi Hidayat SE., M.Si., Ak in the front hall of Faculty of Medicine, UNAIR. 

The activity initiated by Department of Community Service of TLM Student Association with the theme of “Joint Steps, Realizing a Healthier Society” aims to improve social life and improve health figures, followed by 2017 and 2018 TLM students. The activities included socialization from Dr. Erlinda Sp, PK who is also a lecturer in D3 TLM study program to public regarding health, voluntary work, and also free health checks for the surrounding community.

Imron served as Head of Mligi Hamlet revealed the activities carried out by students such as counseling and health checks were very useful and  the existing activities could be better in the future.

“The activities are great, especially the health checks and counseling from doctors because we understand how to maintain health by managing a good diet,” said Imron.

Agita as Head executive of the activity revealed her hopes after MESENTRICAL activities were carried out. Namely, increasing public health figures. As for D3 TLM students, they can add experience in the application of knowledge acquired at the lecture bench.

“Hopefully after this activity, the resident can adopt healthy behaviors and D3 TLM students can hone soft skills to become professional health workers in the future,” said Agita. (*)

Author: Faisal Dika Utama

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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