Two Malaysian Students Graduated from FKH UNAIR

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FROM THE LEFT: Indumathi A / P Mathivanan and Ubennyah G. Radakrishnan, students from Malaysia graduated from Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) S1 program and graduated on Saturday, June 29, at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC). (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga, graduated 985 students on Saturday, June 29, at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC). Out of 985 graduates, there were two graduates from Malaysia. They are Indhumati Mathivanan, and Ubennyah G. Radakrishnan graduated from Veterinary Medicine Bachelor’s Program, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH).

After the graduation ceremony, the two students from Malaysia shared their experience of studying and living as international students in Surabaya. The two 2014 students claimed to be happy, proud, and at the same time relieved to finally be able to finish their studies at UNAIR with the support of various parties.

“There are a lot of problems, but I work hard to solve them,” said Ubennyah, one of the graduates. “I even got D and must repeat one of the courses. Thank God I finally graduate today,” she said.

One of Ubennyah’s memorable experiences was when she had to complete her thesis entitled “Identification of Intestinal Parasite in Landrace Pig at Pegirian Slaughterhouse, Surabaya.” For her thesis, she had to go back and forth to collect research samples at a slaughterhouse in Pegirian area, Surabaya, at four in the morning.

Her struggles finally paid off with Ubenny’s graduation. She also expressed her gratitude to all those who supported her until she was graduated.

Ubennyah G. Radakrishnan shakes hands with Dean of FKH UNAIR Prof. Dr. Pudji Srianto M.Kes., drh at UNAIR graduation June 2019. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

After graduation, Ubennyah still has to complete the professional program in FKH UNAIR. She will return to Malaysia after she completes her studies and opens a veterinary clinic there.

Meanwhile, Indumathi A / P Mathivanan said that her lecturers and thesis supervisors supported her. “I thank the lecturers and mentors. They are very helpful, “Indumathi stated.

Indumathi also got many experiences when she wrote her thesis entitled “Identification Of Fasciola Gigantica Egg From Limousin Crossbreed Cattle In Pegirian Slaughterhouse in Surabaya.” She chose UNAIR because she got many feedbacks from her Malaysian friends who recommended UNAIR.

“Because it is in the city area (UNAIR, ed), there were good feedbacks from friends,” she explained. Like Ubennyah, she still has to undergo a professional program in FKH UNAIR for one year.

As of 2019, there have been about 60 students from Malaysia who studied at UNAIR. Most of them chose the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. For June 2019 Graduation, UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh. Nasih graduated 985 students at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

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