Admission Written Test, 8,629 UNAIR Applicants Compete for 1,605 Seats

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UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has opened three pathways of student admission this year. Two of them, SNMPTN and SBMPTN, were implemented from January to July 2019.

On Sunday, June 30, 2019, UNAIR holds an independent pathway admission written test for prospective students for an undergraduate degree (S1). Regarding the written test, Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., inspected directly with Head of Student Admission Center (PPMB) Dr. Achmad Solihin SE., M.Si., and Head of Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) Dr. Suko Widodo.

“Right on Sunday, June 30, 2019, Universitas Airlangga held an independent pathway written test for prospective students of UNAIR in 2019,” stated Prof. Nasih at PPMB Office, Campus C, UNAIR.

According to Prof. Nasih, the written test held as part of the UNAIR admission path this year, 2019. Previously, UNAIR opened SNMPTN pathway (State University National Admission Selection) and SBMPTN (State University Joint Entrance Test). Both pathways are completed.

“Based on data of PPMB, we (UNAIR, ed) are very grateful to the community, especially parents, who entrust their children to UNAIR,” he said.

For the written test, continued Prof. Nasih, there were so many applicants that there were not enough venues in 3 UNAIR campuses, Campus A, Campus B, and Campus C. Several other universities located near UNAIR were also involved for the independent admission written test in 2019.

“We are working with University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UMS) as the closest campus to Campus C UNAIR to hold an independent written test,” he added.

This time 8,629 participants took the written test. According to UNAIR Rector, compared to previous years, there were fewer participants for 2019 independent admission.

“Participants who took it (the test, ed) were 8,629, and competed for 1,605 new student seats,” he said.

In details, from the science and technology category, there were 5,216 participants, 3,296 from social humanities and 117 participants following in mixed group.

Prof. Nasih revealed, the test ran well even though there was one participant collapsed while taking the test at ACC building. UNAIR medical team gave immediate treatment. Prof. Nasih said that the result would be announced a day after the SBMPTN announcement.

“The test also contained material on Nationalism and Indonesian language. It was given so that students who entered had a good nationalism spirit. The Indonesian language was tested because scientific activities require excellent language skills, “he explained.

“The announcement will be made after the announcement of SBMPTN pathway. SBMPTN is scheduled to be announced on July 9. After that, the Independent pathway will be announced, “stated the professor of accounting.

Regarding the acceptance quota, Prof. Nasih said that everything is still based on regulation. Independent pathway gets a 30 percent capacity quota of the total number of accepted prospective students.

The top programs chosen by science test participants for independent written test are medicine, dental medicine, information systems, biomedical engineering, and environmental engineering program while top 5 programs for social humanities category are the science of communication, law, international relations, management, and sociology.

Head of UNAIR PPMB Dr. Achmad Solihin SE., M.Si., said that there was some independent pathway written test participants from outside Java such as from Aceh and Jayapura.

“This time, the independent pathway participants are from various regions. There are those from Aceh and also Jayapura, “he said.

“It shows that UNAIR is quite popular to prospective students from all over Indonesia,” stated the Head of the PPMB. (*)

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