UNAIR NEWS – Difa Fanani Ismayanto, a student of Biomedical Engineering FST UNAIR may be proud of herself. The student from class 2015 has just won a gold medal at iMIT SIC 2019 (Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand International on Symposium Innovative & Creativity 2019) event at Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand from June 16- to June 18, 2019. She successfully created a heart attack detection device (acute myocardial infarction).
“My work for iMIT SIC 2019 was Medical Device Innovation by Integrating Electrocardiograph, Expert System, and Visual Analogue Scale for the Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction,” explained Difa Fanani.
Difa Fanani said that the device is useful in detecting symptoms of chest pain integrated with the electrocardiograph (ECG) system, expert systems, and visual analogue scales. She also explained many people often feel chest pain but they do not think about it. Most of them think the cause is colds, ulcers, or regular pain when chest pain can also indicate a symptom of a heart attack.
“The creative process of this device is in the integration of 3 systems, namely ECG, expert systems, and VAS used to detect heart attack early,” she said.
According to Difa, so far detection of heart attacks is an ECG device and anamnesis from a cardiologist. Even though the number of cardiologists is limited and heart attacks are one of the seven causes of high mortality in the world (WHO, 2013).
The device was created and tested at Dr. Ramelan Hospital Surabaya (RSAL). But it is not used massively because the innovators want to add other features make it more optimal.
At the end, Difa hoped that the device can improve patient awareness about symptoms of chest pain due to heart attack. Difa believes if detection can be done as early as possible many people will get proper treatment. It will reduce the high mortality rate of death from heart attack.
Author : Tunjung Senja Widuri
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia