UNAIR NEWS – This year Universitas Airlangga Hospital has regularly vaccinated prospective doctors and specialists who have their medical residency the hospital. During this period, there were 150 to 200 prospective doctors and medical specialists vaccinated at Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA) on Thursday, June 27.
Hundreds of vaccinated doctors will later be assigned to Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, and UNAIR Dental and Oral Hospital. The vaccines were given directly by the doctors of Universitas Airlangga, one of them is dr. Niken Sasadhara S.
“The purpose of this vaccination is to give protection for those who will be on duty or study in hospitals as when they are on duty at the hospital, these doctors will be exposed to lots of body fluids. So we need to provide protection to them, “said doctor Niken,
Doctor Niken emphasized that this vaccination is needed considering that in the hospital where they are in charge, there will be interactions with many patients, both patients of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Diseases can be transmitted through many ways. It poses some risk if they interact with a lot of patients with infectious diseases.
“Hopefully through this vaccination, prospective doctors can be protected from diseases that may be transmitted in hospitals,” she added.
In addition to providing vaccinations for prospective doctors from Universitas Airlangga, RSUA also serves vaccinations for prospective doctors from other campuses. Hopefully, prospective doctors everywhere can work optimally when they do their medical residency. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh