UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has received a grant from the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation through NUFFIC. The grant is a part of Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) program.
The grant was given for institutional collaboration projects between FH UNAIR and Maastricht University, in order to upgrade legal studies for higher education in Indonesia with a focus on legal skills and ethics. In the program, Maastricht University acts as a lead partner while FH UNAIR is the beneficiary partner.
The institutional collaboration program initiated by FH UNAIR and the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University was titled “21st Century Legal Professionals for the Rule of Law: strengthening skills, ethics, and integrity in Indonesian legal education”.
For the institutional collaboration program, the program coordinator from the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University is Dr. S. Hardt, while the program coordinator from FH UNAIR is Dr. Rosa Ristawati, S.H., LLM.
The cooperation will be conducted in four work programs: Improving Education Management Faculty and Infrastructure, Curriculum Development Training of Teaching Staff, Specific Education Content Coursing and Moot Court, and Platform on Good Practice in Legal Education and Website. In the long run, the collaboration will improve the quality of education and human resources at FH UNAIR.
Dr. Rosa Ristawati, S.H., LL. M., Faculty of Law UNAIR lecturer and program coordinator on Wednesday, June 26, confirmed that the four focus of the work program would strengthen lecturer and students’ skills. Rosa also said that Dr. Radian Salman, S.H., LL. M acts as program director.
“FH UNAIR in this collaboration will act as a beneficiary institution or institution that receives benefits,” she stated via telephone. “This program has the outcome of introducing problem-based learning and curriculum building,” she added.
This collaboration, continued Rosa, will focus more on skill development, improvisation, and infrastructure development. The period of cooperation between FH UNAIR and Maastricht University will last for 2.5 years.
As an institution that received a grant from Maastricht University, FH UNAIR will share the results of cooperation with five universities with faculties of law in eastern Indonesia. The five universities include Trunojoyo University, Nusa Cendana University, Mulawarman University, University of Borneo, and Haluoleo University.
FH UNAIR also wants to give better performance as an educational institution in the field of law. The performance will also create a good relationship between legal education in Indonesia.
After receiving this grant, she hoped that the four work programs could be carried out. Moreover, FH UNAIR hoped it could contribute more to stakeholders, the community, lecturers, and students.
“For academics, hopefully, we will be able to produce excellent quality graduates with good skills, ethics, and morals so that they will improve the quality of law in Indonesia. The existing gap between academics and practitioners is expected to be minimized, “said Rosa. (*)
Author: Aditya Novrian
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh