GO CLEVER, FST Students Innovation to Detect River Water Quality

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BIDAYATUL Mas'ulah at (IMIT SIC) 2019 at Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand with shows Go Clever application. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Go Clever is a desktop-based application used to detect river water quality and its safety for consumption. The application was created by three students of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Bidayatul Mas’ulah or Bida, Muhammad Hafiruddin and Prabowo Subiyanto.

Bida explained the idea to make the Go Clever application was from their anxiety for the increasingly polluted river water. Moreover, there are still many people who consume water from the river.

“In some areas, diseases occur due to the consumption of polluted river water. For this reason, it is necessary to make an application to detect river water quality to determine whether the water is safe for consumption or not, “Bida explained.

In the process of application development, Bida and the team had to seek water-related information to experts in the field of natural resources. Then they asked for parameters or water indicators to measure its safety for consumption for the programming. These parameters include pH value, BOD, COD, the content of cobalt, iron, mercury, boron, and other contents.

So far, the application is still intended for laboratory assistants to test the feasibility of water. The result of water quality parameter measurement is input in the application. The water quality result will be shown from the application, whether it is safe for consumption.

It does not only show water feasibility for consumption, but it also shows which indicator that causes it. For example, the value of mercury contained in the water is too high, so the water is not feasible for consumption.

The innovation led Bida and the team to get a silver medal at the International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand on Innovative and Creativity Symposium (IMIT SIC) 2019 at Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand, on June 16-18, 2019.

Bida hoped that the application could get support from various parties so more people can feel the benefits. In the future, Bida and the team will continue to improve the application so the results obtained will be more accurate.

“We also continue to strive so that this application is not only used for laboratory staff but can be used by the general public,” concluded Bida.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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