UNAIR Take Oath Two Dentists from Malaysia and Philippines

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Filipino dentist Christian Oliver Wijaya after being sworn in on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at Graha Bik IPTEK building, Faculty of Medicine (FK), UNAIR. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

UNAIR NEWS – There were 28 dentists of Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) inaugurated and sworn in on Tuesday, June 25, 2019. The ceremony was held in Graha Bik IPTEK building, Faculty of Medicine (FK), UNAIR. From 28 dentists who were sworn in, two of them were students from Malaysia and the Philippines.

They are Nik Andriena Binti Nik Abdullah from Malaysia and Christian Oliver Wijaya from the Philippines.

In the dentist’s oath ceremony, FKG and UNAIR leaderships were also present, such as FKG Dean Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes, Director of UNAIR Dental and Oral Hospital, and UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT., Ak., CMA. On the same occasion, representatives of Hiroshima University, which is currently collaborating with FKG UNAIR in Human Resources development, were also present.

Malaysian dentist Nik Andriena Binti Nik Abdullah shakes hands with FKG UNAIR Dean Darmawan Setijanto after taking a dentist oath on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, in Graha Bik IPTEK building, UNAIR Faculty of Medicine (FK) Doc. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

In his remarks, Dr. Darmawan Setijanto revealed that FKG UNAIR and Hiroshima University have long collaboration in human resources development to improve UNAIR’s ranking towards Top 500 World Class University.

“The collaboration between UNAIR and Hiroshima University has been around for quite a long time, around 33 years. The collaboration includes improving the quality of FKG students and staffs, “said Dr. Darmawan.

Furthermore, FKG Dean also revealed that some dentists who were sworn in were the result of the collaboration through various programs in the Faculty of Dental Medicine.

“The results of our collaboration with Hiroshima University include short courses and college scholarships from the Japanese Government. Some of the dentists were sworn in today, “he added.

The Malaysian dentist was sworn in on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, at Graha Bik IPTEK building Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR. (Photo: Alif Fauzan)

At the end of his remarks, Darmawan stated that some dentists in Indonesia are in the western part of Indonesia. It is a challenge for new dentists to serve in other parts of Indonesia.

“Most dentists in Indonesia are currently based in the western part of Indonesia. This is a challenge for you (new dentist, ed) to serve in the central and eastern Indonesia, “he added.

Meanwhile, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE, MT., Ak., CMA said that after being a dentist and a professional, teamwork is a must in order to achieve the goal of improving public health. “After this, as a professional dentist, teamwork is a must because speaking as a professional cannot work individually, but it must be done collectively in order to achieve a goal improving public health, “said Prof. Nasih. (*)

Author: Faisal Dika

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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