UNAIR NEWS – Affandy Fahrizain of Information and Technology System (SI) student of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) won as the second place winner in Thailand for his innovation creating digital application. Affan won a silver medal at International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand Symposium on Innovation and Creativity (IMIT SIC).
Affan’s achievements is related to agriculture. He made a digital application called Agri Tech: Agriculture Marketing for Millennial Farmers in Indonesia based on Android. In accordance with the title, people can access it through any device.
Affan revealed that the application was made based on problems experienced by farmers today. Currently, farmers are selling their crops through mediators. They play the price to make the results obtained by farmers are not in accordance with market prices.
“This problem motivated to make a digital agricultural application. Thus, the farmers can sell their produce to buyers directly,” he said.
In addition, farmers could arrange the prices in this application. Thus, farmers and buyers can make transactions in the application. People who want to buy farmers crops can access Agri Store application on playstore.
Moreover, farmers can also sell seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural equipment at Agri Store. The ease in selling agricultural equipment also supports the welfare of farmers in the industrial revolution 4.0 era.
Affan also said other advantages of Agri Tech are the discussion features that can be used by farmers and buyers. The application will make it easier to share tips and tricks in treating agricultural crops.

“In the future, I will develop Agri Store and minimize problems,” he said. The idea is inseparable from the help of his lecturers and friends. Purbandini, S. Si., M. Kom, a lecturer who assists in Mobile Technology courses. Besides, Head of SI Study Program FST UNAIR Dr. Rimuljo Hendradi, S. Si., M. Si., helped him during a competition in Thailand. He also did not forget that Arinal Izza Yudhistira, her friend who also helped him. (*)
Author: Aditya Novrian
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh