UNAIR Students Use Pineapple Skin Waste for Wound Treatment

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"Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) Skin on Healing Incision Wounds in White Mice (Rattus norvegicus) as Gel Preparation PKMPE Team showed their work. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Wounds are injury or damage to the integrity of the skin. Wounds may heal by itself if it is supported with optimal conditions, but they may not heal due to existing inhibiting factors. One alternative for wound healing treatment is by using the potential natural resources considered useless, such as pineapple skin.

All this time, pineapple is only used for its flesh, to be eaten or ingredients for food preparations, while the skin is thrown away without being reused. Therefore, that pineapple skin waste accumulates and becomes a problem for the environment. Pineapple skin has the potential to be used as a drug preparation for wounds. Pineapple skin contains an active substance that can accelerate wound healing.

It inspired three Universitas Airlangga students, Teguh Dwi Saputro (Faculty of Nursing), Fina Ainur Rohmah (Faculty of Nursing) Windi Nurhidayah (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) under the guidance of Rista Fauziningtyas, S. Kep., Ns., M. Kep , to collaborate in a PKM-PE team to conduct research using pineapple skin waste. Pineapple skin waste is extracted first and then developed as a wound gel.

“This idea originated from our concern that a lot of pineapple skin waste has not been fully utilized as they are thrown away despite their potential,” Teguh said.

Based on the literature study conducted, continued Teguh, pineapple skin has the contents of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, steroids, phenols, and amino acids that have the potential to heal wounds. He also said the utilization of pineapple skin waste into wound medicine in gel form would reduce waste.

“Pineapple skin that has been cleaned then dried without direct sunlight. Then it is blended and extracted. The finished extract is then processed into a gel preparation. That is the short process of making preparations for pineapple extract gel, “he stated.

The finished extract continued Teguh, then divided into concentrations and then tested in white mice injured by incision. The results of the treatment with pineapple skin extract in gel form were compared to the healing process using drugs commonly used.

Teguh said that his team chose gel form because it gives an advantage. High water content in the gel base can cause hydration in the stratum corneum so that it will facilitate the penetration of drugs through the skin. A gel is soothing, moisturizing, easy to use properties, easy to penetrate the skin, so it provides a healing effect.

“Moreover, the gel is easily applied to the skin, does not irritate, and is comfortable to use on the skin. The hydrophilic gel base is used because of its good dispersion on the skin, its cooling effect, does not clog the pores of the skin, is easily washed with water and releases the drug well, “he explained.

In the end, Teguh hoped that the results of the PKM-PE study entitled “Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) Skin on Healing Incision Wounds in White Mice (Rattus norvegicus) as Gel Preparation could contribute to the development of traditional Indonesian medicine while supporting the plants with medicinal potential.

Author: Teguh Dwi Saputro

Author: Nuri Hermawan

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