UNAIR NEWS – Snacks are popular around people. Various product innovations offered by producers have succeeded in luring people to buy a snack product.
Salted egg snack is one of the examples of innovation developed by Ahmad Ridwan Jamil, alumnus of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). The name of salted egg snacks is Telasin. The business started by Ahmad in 2017.
Ahmad, his best friend, recounts the process of doing the business that has developed until now. However, Ahmad faced several challenges, and it did not stop him from continuing the business. Duck eggs can be processed into different snacks.
“The idea of making Telasin is because we know that salted egg is a nutritious food, but the problems are less practical in serving,” he said.
“Thus, I modified it into a nutritious salted egg snack, and it is easy to carry everywhere,” he added.
Salted eggs that he got from the supplier is the best quality. To attract buyers, it offers four variants. The flavor is spicy, original, barbecue, and balado.
For marketing, he uses Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. Everyone can buy on Instagram @snacktelasin and Facebook Snack Telasin. Besides, it also provides offline services around Gresik. Consumers can also come directly to Jl. Sembunganyar RT07 / RW02 Dukun District, Gresik Regency.
Moreover, Ahmad faced various experiences of joys and sorrows. The experience he likes to take is unlimited self-development. The product has an impact on employment, and there is four employment.
Furthermore, he was betrayed by someone during his time on building the business, but the grief did not discourage him.
Not only that, he received an award of Entrepreneur Plus Festival (EnPlus) at Surabaya Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNUSA) as the Third Winner in 2019.

Ahmad won third place in a business competition of Entrepreneur Plus Festival (EnPlus) between universities at Nahdlatul Ulama University in Surabaya (UNUSA). (Private Doc.) Ahmad admitted the results of the business that Ahmad developed were inseparable from the knowledge he got during his time in university. He was also a Bidikmisi scholarship student. (*)
Author: Aditya Novrian
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh