FF UNAIR Team Up with Academics, Industry and Testing Institution to Discuss Scientific Development

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Dwi Setyawan while giving seminar material "Solubility Enhancement of Poorly Soluble Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients" during 2019 Pharmaceutical Technology Seminar. (Doc. FF UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – The pharmaceutical industry is one of the rapid growth industry sectors. With science and technology, making discoveries easier. In the midst of rapid progress, UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy, in collaboration with National University Singapore, held a seminar to update information related to the world development of the pharmaceutical industry.

The event held at Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building Campus C UNAIR, 2019 Pharmaceutical Technology Seminar lasts for two days (Monday-Tuesday, June 17-18). The event was held to bridge academics, manufacturing industries, and pharmaceutical industry related to information updates about tool design techniques, manufacturing processes, stability, analysis carried out on the industrial scale. The event was attended by students from 3 universities, 20 pharmaceutical industries, and one testing institution.

“This event has been held for the second time, previously in 2016. The target is people in pharmaceutical industry and academics,” said Dr. rer.nat. Maria Lucia Ardhani Dwi Lestari S.Si., Apt., M.Pharm, Head of UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy and the lecturer.

“Through this event, students can also get new knowledge directly from experts,” she added.

Unlike the conference in general, according to Maria, this seminar emphasized more on conditions that occurred in the industry. If the scientific conference discussed is laboratory-scale research, this seminar focuses more on manufacturing and stability. There are around sixteen materials submitted by experts in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries.

At the seminar, one of the lecturer Vice Dean II of UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy Dr. Dwi Setyawan, S.Si., Apt., M.Pharm had the opportunity to deliver material to all participants. He gave a seminar on “Solubility Enhancement of Poorly Soluble Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.”

With the holding of this seminar, Maria hopes FF UNAIR can expand its connection and be better known by the wider community. She also hopes that FF UNAIR can get offers of cooperation and research with material providers in the pharmaceutical industry.

“Maybe there are industries who are working on research, and we can collaborate on the research,” Maria concluded. (*)

Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh

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