PKM Team of Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR Create Skincare Djengkolic

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Djengkolic FF UNAIR PKM-K TEAM showing their products. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Students are familiar with Student Creativity Program or commonly called PKM. The program itself aims to deliver students to the level of enlightenment of creativity and innovation based on science and technology. Besides, PKM team of Faculty of Pharmacy UNAIR which consists of Mazhar Ardhina Silmi, Kholidatul fauziyah, Diah Ayu Laraswati, Arya Pratiwi Nursanti, and Rizki Amalia Arifiani in the field of entrepreneurship (PKM-K) entitled “DJENGKOLIC “Antiaging Facial Wash & Scrub from jengkol (dogfruit) skin.

In addition, Mazhar said that her team chose to make a natural beauty product or skincare by utilizing jengkol skin . Besides, this vegetables commonly found in Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.

“The seeds are often used for food. Mostly, people know jengkol to consume, “she said.

In the field of beauty itself, she explained, jengkol as a cosmetic ingredient is still very minimal and less popular compared to other natural ingredients. Many studies have shown that jengkol skin contains various chemical compounds including flavonoid, saponin, and tannin.

Furthermore, she explained that flavonoids function as antioxidants, saponins function to prevent premature aging, shrink the pores of the face and smooth the skin. Whereas tannins function as antioxidants and are antibacterial and vitamin C which functions as an antioxidant while brightening the skin.

“Therefore, the team tried to make natural beauty product “Djengkolic” by utilizing jengkol skin research which is used as a facial wash and facial scrub as skin lightening and antiaging,” she explained.

“Djengkolic” product is made in 2-in-1 or two products in one package, facial wash, and facial scrub. Products are designed in a simple, practical packaging and easy to use. The product form of ‘Djengkolic’ itself is a gel containing the main ingredient of jengkol skin extract with the addition of fine jengkol skin granules as exfoliator.

In the end, he also explained that the product was also sold in a 30-gram tube package and screwed so, it is practical to carry around. The making and research of “Djengkolic” product was also accompanied by one of supervisor, Lusiana Arifianti, S.Farm., Mfarm., Apt.

“The hope is that in addition to returning the essence of Indonesian natural beauty products to the people that are now dominated by foreign products such as Korea, it also helps the community to reduce jengkol skin in the environment by making ‘Djengkolic’ product that is rich in benefits,” he concluded.

Author: Soffya Ranti

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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