“ULAWAK,” Sweet Potato and Javanese Ginger for Broiler Chicken Growth Promoter

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"ULAWAK", Sweet Potato and Javanese Ginger for Broiler Chicken Growth Promoter
ULAWAK PKMK TEAM during the drying process. (Photo: By courtesy)

  1. K) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) which is funded by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education (Kemristek Dikti). The ULAWAK team consists of five students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH).

Ramy Inas Mahirah Mufa, class 2018 FKH student, was the team leader with Ahda Idzha Safira, Febi Dwinda Alfifah, Jasmine Abitha, class 2018 FKH students and Kamailiya Ulfah from class 2017 FKH student as team members.

Ramy Inas, as the team leader, said that sweet potatoes and Javanese ginger are packaged in “ULAWAK” products using organic ingredients containing carbohydrates and β-carotene. The organic material, she continued, it is useful to increase weight and increase the appetite of broiler chickens.

Moreover, Ramy Inas also said that the feed would later be available as flour. The flour will be mixed as additional ingredients in the feed of broiler chickens.

“ULAWAK can last for a long time, one year if it is stored in conditions and places recommended in the packaging,” she explained.

The team supervised directly by Emy Koestanti S., drh., M.Kes. has produced ULAWAK products in packages. Ramy Inas stressed that her team has produced 50 packs and will conduct the marketing process to chicken breeders in East Java area.

“Thank God, ULAWAK is currently in the production process and then distributed to chicken breeders in East Java area,” she concluded.

Author: ULAWAK PKMK TEAM Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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